Paid leave must be held before unpaid leave. The order is therefore: leave with salary, leave with benefits and leave without income.
Aarhus University
Salary during leave
The Ministry of Employment
For international PhD students - Life in
Aarhus University
The Agency for the Modernisation of Public Administration
The Ministry of Employment
For international PhD students - Life in
As a 4+4 student on part A you are enrolled as a Master's student and a PhD student at the same time.
If you have any questions about your Danish student grant (SU) on your Master's degree programme please see these pages: Danish version - English version
You will not get any extra SU-points on your PhD degree programme but you will receive the same SU-points during your leave and your enrolment on part A will be extended corresponding to the maternity/paternity leave.
If, based on a medical assessment, it is deemed that the pregnancy is progressing in a manner that poses a risk to the woman’s health or to the fetus if she continues to work, the payment of maternity benefits may commence prior to the start of pregnancy leave.
It is important to inform the absence registrar at the department as well as the PhD administrator, Bettina H. Acthon, as soon as possible once the doctor has confirmed that it is a pregnancy-related illness. Please include the expected due date in your email to Bettina H. Acthon.
A doctor's note (friattest) covering the full period of absence must be submitted with your application for extension due to pregnancy-related illness. The graduate school will pay for doctor's note, if it is submitted as an electronic invoice (see details below).
Do not pay for the doctor's note yourself it must be submitted as an electronic invoice from your doctor!
Please make sure that the following information is written on the invoice:
EAN-nummer: 5798000418271
Sted: 1231
Projekt: 12089
Aktivitet: 33997
Attention: ph.d.-skolen, Arts
Name: Your name must be stated in the electronic invoice.
Bekendtgørelse om elektronisk afregning med offentlige myndigheder
BEK nr. 206 af 11.03.2011
§ 5. Regninger til offentlige myndigheder skal sendes, så de modtages elektronisk i et format, der er læseligt for den offentlige myndighed og umiddelbart kan indlæses i myndighedens fakturahåndterings- eller økonomisystem. Fysiske og juridiske personer, der ikke har mulighed for at fremsende regninger elektronisk fra eget faktureringssystem, kan fremsende regninger via udfyldelse af en fakturaskabelon.
Send invoice: