Aarhus University Seal

For Course Organisers

How to submit a PhD course proposal

Please complete the online form. 

PhD courses - Process

When a PhD course has been approved
Room booking

  • The PhD administration will book a room if this has been requested.
  • Once the room is booked, the course will be created in Course Manager and announced on phdcourses.dk and au.phd-courses.dk based on the information provided in the form.

Course announcement

  • You will receive a link to the course announcement so that you can share it within your network and with PhD students.

Contact with external lecturers

  • The PhD administration will handle communication regarding flights, accommodation, and fees (if requested in the registration form).
  • If you receive inquiries regarding these matters, please refer or forward them to the PhD administration. This is essential for maintaining an overview and ensuring that flights, accommodation, etc., are approved according to applicable guidelines.

After the registration deadline
Participant List

  • You will be contacted when the registration deadline has passed and receive a list of all registered participants.
  • You will be asked to indicate who should be allocated places and return the list to the PhD administration.

Contacting participants

  • You will now have an overview of the final participants and their contact details.
  • You can reach out to them regarding updates, literature, the final schedule, etc. (NB: Use BCC).


  • The PhD administration will arrange standard catering, which will be delivered to the booked room.


  • The PhD administration will set up and distribute a standard online evaluation if this was selected in the form. The evaluation will be sent out on the last day of the course, once the course has concluded.

After the course

  • The PhD administration will issue course certificates to the relevant course participants.
  • The PhD administration will cover catering costs, travel and accommodation expenses, and disburse fees.
  • You will receive a copy of the course evaluation.

Rules and regulation for PhD courses

ECTS credits
One ECTS credit typically corresponds to 25 hours of workload, including student preparation, assignments, course hours, and exams.

The minimum number of participants are five.

Seat allocation
Please note that due to the limited capacity of the booked teaching room, the PhD administration cannot allocate more seats than the maximum number of participants allowed for the course.

Participants at course deadline
If the number of participants is fewer than five by the course deadline, we cannot guarantee that the course will take place.

Course dates and time
The PhD administration cannot announce the course if dates and times are missing or tentative.

Course deadline
The application deadline must be three weeks before the first course date to allow time enough for seat allocation and catering arrangements.

Changes after course deadline
Any changes after course deadline wouldn’t be possible due to workflows.

Tentative literature wouldn’t be announced in the course description. Please only list planned readings.

Distribution of literature
The PhD administration cannot assist with the distribution of literature. Neither in Brightspace.

Booking of teaching rooms (only at AU)
The PhD administration will book teaching room after the maximum number of participants and lecturers. Furthermore, the administration will make an effort to ensure the same teaching room is available for all course days, but this cannot be guaranteed.

Standard catering - Full-Day Course
Two servings of coffee/tea and one snack per course day
One sandwich and a bottle of water per person per course day

Standard catering - Half-Day Course
One serving of coffee/tea and one snack per course day
One sandwich and a bottle of water per person per course day (Only if the course starts before 11.30)

Standard catering - Delivery Times
15 minutes before the course starts coffee/tea and a snack will be delivered to the teaching room.
Lunch and afternoon coffee/tea will always be delivered to the teaching room at 11.45

Self-organised catering
Please be aware that self-organised catering cannot be assisted by the PhD administration.

Standard online course evaluation via SurveyXact
If you choose the PhD administration to handle the evaluation, the online survey will be sent to participants on the final course date after the course had ended.

Honoraria for external guest lecturers
Honoraria for external guest lecturers typically range from 2000-5000 DKK per lecturer. The PhD administration will handle the entered amount.

Hotel for external guest lecturers
The PhD administration can only assist with hotel bookings if it has been mentioned in the registration form.

Travel information and reimbursement for external guest lecturers
The PhD administration can only assist with reimbursement of travel if it has been mentioned in the registration form.

Travel, hotel and honoraria for AU employed lectures
The Graduate School, Arts does not cover expenses for travel reimbursement, hotel and honoraria for AU employed lecturers. Therefore, The PhD administration cannot assist with these.

Funding provided by the other sources
Funding must be a fixed amount. The amount will assist in covering hotel, travel expenses, and/or honoraria. The PhD administration will facilitate the transfer to the Graduate School, Arts.

PhD course related to an existing conference or workshop
If the course is associated with a conference featuring the same external guest lecturers, finances will be shared between the Graduate School, Arts and the conference as follows: Travel expenses for external guest lecturers will be managed and covered by the conference/workshop.

The Graduate School, Arts will be financially and administratively responsible for hotel reservations for all nights, including the nights of the conference.

Honoraria for lecturers participating at the PhD course will be managed and paid by the Graduate School, Arts.

What can the PhD administration administratively assist you with?

Please note that PhD administration cannot provide support on initial course planning, such as budgeting and resource allocation.

The PhD course administration can assist you with

  • Posting the course on phdcourses.dk and au.phd-courses.dk
  • Registration of applicants via Course Manager
  • Booking of teaching rooms
  • Booking of hotel rooms in Denmark for external guest lecturers
  • Handling of fees and travel expense reports for guest lecturers
  • Ordering of standard catering
  • Providing standard course evaluation online via SurveyXact
  • Issuing course certificates

Unfortunately, the PhD course administration cannot assist with

  • Distribution of course materials through BrightSpace.
  • Social events or dinners following a PhD course, which must be arranged independently and cannot be funded by the Graduate School, Arts.
  • Venues outside of Aarhus University, except for Sandbjerg.

Danish PhD course association (Det åbne kursusmarked)

PhD students at Aarhus University can participate in PhD courses offered at member institutions of The Danish PhD association free of charge.

For further information, please refer to the agreement between members of the Danish PhD association (in Danish)  

PhD course policy, Arts

For further information on the range of PhD courses at Graduate School, Arts, and procedures, please refer to PhD course policy, Arts (in Danish).