Aarhus University Seal


Part A (4+4)

Notification deadlines

On the first day of illness
Your department must be notified when the first day of illness begins.

On the 13th day of illness
In case of illness lasting more than 14 days, the PhD administration (Bettina H. Acthon)) must be notifiec the 13th day of illness.

Please send the following information to Bettina H. Acthon:

  • Start date of sick leave
  • Is the leave full-time or part-time

Study Center Arts will be notified of your illness.

During sick leave
Once a month during your sick leave you must update the PhD administration (Bettina H. Acthon).

Sick leave ends
When you are able to start working full-time again you must inform the PhD administration (Bettina H. Acthon) of your last day of sick leave.

If the deadlines are not met
If you fail to notify the graduate school of long-term illness your enrolment will not be extended with the period of absence due to illness.

You cannot report sick leave retroactively. This means that if you have been unable to work full-time on your PhD studies for the past few months without reporting your absence to Bettina H. Acthon in the PhD administration you will not be able to get an extension for these days.

Important information (absence exceeding four months)

Sick leave

  • PhD students on part A of the 4+4 scheme may only be absent due to illness for four months (full-time) within a consecutive period of 12 months.
  • It is important that you keep the graduate school informed of the duration of your illness. On the first Monday of every month, you need to notify the PhD administration (Bettina H. Acthon) of your progress.
    • Are you on full-time sick leave or part-time sick leave?
    • If you are on part-time sick leave, you also need to include the number of working hours in your email.

Absence exceeding four months

  • If the absence exceeds four months, the graduate school will have to stop payments (PhD SU vouchers and hourly-paid employment) until you can resume work full-time on the PhD degree programme.
  • This means that your enrolment and employment will be put on hold after four months of full-time illness.

Part-time illness

Part A of the 4+4 scheme is a part-time enrolment as the total number of working hours must be allocated between the Master's degree programme and the PhD degree programme.

It is the PhD working hours you need to report to the PhD administration (Bettina H. Acthon) once a month. 

  • 1½  years on part A
    0.5 FTE (6 months) for the master's degree programme and 1 FTE (12 months) for the PhD degree programme.
    This means that the average number of working hours for the PhD degree programme is 24.67 hours per week
  • 2 years on part A
    1 FTE (12 months) for the master's degree programme and 1 FTE (12 months) for the PhD degree programme.
    This means that the average number of working hours for the PhD degree programme is 18.5 hours per week.


  • If you are a 4+4 student enrolled for 2 years on part A you may be on sick leave for 4 months full-time (18.5 hours per week) or on part-time sick leave for 8 months (9.25 hours per week). The total absence may not exceed 4 months.

Pregnancy-related illness

  • Pregnancy-related illness is not included in the max. four months of absence due to illness within a continuous period of 12 months. So it is important that you inform the graduate school as to whether your absence is due to ordinary illness or pregnancy-related illness.
  • When you contact the PhD Administration (Bettina H. Acthon) about pregnancy-related illness, please state the expected date of birth.
  • Extensions owing to pregnancy-related illness during part A may not be transferred to extensions on part B.


SU PhD scholarship
You will receive the same amount of SU vouchers (maximum 2 SU vouchers per month) during illness. They will continue to be paid in advance once a month.

If you are ill (full-time) for more than 4 months your payments will be temporarily put on hold. The payments will resume when the sick leave ends.

During the extension period on part A you will receive the same amount of SU vouchers as before the leave.

Hourly-paid employment
Your hourly-paid employment will continue during illness.

If you are ill (full-time) for more than 4 months your payments will be temporarily put on hold. The payments will resume when the sick eave ends.

Your will not get an extension of the hourly-paid employment.

If your part A enrolment ends during illness

  • As a PhD student, you are enrolled/employed in a fixed-term position which has an expiry date. 
  • If your enrolment on part A ends during leave, your PhD SU vouchers and hourly pay will stop when your enrolment on part A ends although you are still on sick leave.
  • The extension will apply from the day you resume your PhD studies full-time.
  • The period between the expiry date of part A and the date of resumption to full-time work must not exceed 1 year.
  • Your SU PhD scholarship can maximum be extended with the part of your leave that took place within part A of your 4+4 enrolment. However, a maximum of 4 months.

Extension on part A

  • In accordance with the Danish Student Grants and Loans Scheme (SU) Act the graduate school may extend the PhD degree programme (4+4 scheme) on the grounds of illness for a maximum of four months. 
  • This means that your enrolment on part A can be extended with a maximum of four months if a delay in your PhD degree programme can be documented due to illness.
  • No extension will be given for illness lasting less than one month which means that the duration of the absence must correspond to at least one month's full-time extension
  • The illness must be in a continuous (uninterrupted) period.
  • You can apply for extension on part A due to long-term illness.
  • The extension of the enrolment period will take effect when you report fit for work (full-time).
  • Extensions due to long-term illness on part A cannot be transferred to part B. Part B is always two years regardless of the enrolment period on part A.
  • The graduate school deals with all cases individually.

Doctor's note and payment

  • A declaration of duration (Varighedserklæring) must be submitted as soon as possible after the official notification of illness has been received.
  • The graduate school pays for doctor's note, if it is submitted as an electronic invoice.
  • Do not pay for the doctor's note yourself it must be submitted as an electronic invoice from your doctor
  • The information below is for the doctors office. 

Please make sure that the following information is written on the invoice

EAN-nummer: 5798000418271
Sted: 1231
Projekt: 12089
Aktivitet: 33997
Attention: Ph.d.-skolen, Arts
Name: Your name must be stated in the electronic invoice.

Bekendtgørelse om elektronisk afregning med offentlige myndigheder

BEK nr. 206 af 11.03.2011

§ 5. Regninger til offentlige myndigheder skal sendes, så de modtages elektronisk i et format, der er læseligt for den offentlige myndighed og umiddelbart kan indlæses i myndighedens fakturahåndterings- eller økonomisystem. Fysiske og juridiske personer, der ikke har mulighed for at fremsende regninger elektronisk fra eget faktureringssystem, kan fremsende regninger via udfyldelse af en fakturaskabelon.

Send invoice

Rules and regulations

Danish students' Grants and Loans Scheme

  • 4+4 part A:
    • No more than four month of absence within a contiguous period of 12 month. I.e. max four month of illness within the last 12 month when counting back. If the first period of absence due to illness lasts four months, the next period of absence due to illness cannot take place until one year (12 month) after the first period of illness.
    • You can not get an extension of part B due to absence on part A.
  • Ministerial Order of Law on SU - The Danish students' Grants and Loans Scheme: Danish version (afsnit II)

Forms - Extension due to general Illness

Please fill out the form and sent it to Bettina H. Acthon once you are able to resume your PhD studies full-time.

Forms - Extension due to pregnancy related illness

Please fill out the form and sent it to Bettina H. Acthon if you are able to resume your PhD studies full-time before the pregnancy leave begins. Otherwise, send it to Bettina H. Acthon at the same time as Parental leave form 2.