Your income on Part A may consits of three elements
Master SU
SU PhD scholarship
Salary from Hourly-paid employment
Hourly-paid emplyment and paid work for the department
Working hours
Note: The PhD administration cannot answer questions about the SU grant for the Master's degree programme.
If you make satisfactory progress in your PhD programme and pass your Master’s degree programme (qualifying exam) no later than (or earlier see item 4 above), you will be offered employment as a PhD scholar as of .
Please be aware that when you shift from Part A to Part B, there may be a gap in your payments
After Master's Degree and Qualifying Exam: PhD students transition to Part B of the 4+4 scheme.
Payment Gap: Note that the SU PhD scholarship on Part A is paid monthly in advance, while the salary on Part B is paid on the last weekday of the month, potentially causing a payment gap.
End of Part A: August 31, 2023.
Start of Part B: September 1, 2023.
Last SU Payment: Early August 2023.
First Salary Payment: End of September 2023.