Aarhus University Seal

For Supervisors

Requirements for supervisors

Principal supervisor

  • The principal supervisor must be an active, recognised researcher within the relevant research area.
  • They must be employed by the university as a professor or associate professor, or at an equivalent level, and must be affiliated with the Graduate School, Arts.


  • Co-supervisors employed outside the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University, are not compensated for supervision unless the Head of Department has entered into a specific agreement.

Company Supervisor (only for Industrial PhD Scheme)

  • In addition to a principal supervisor, the head of the graduate school will appoint a supervisor connected to the firm where the PhD student is employed. This supervisor must be qualified within the relevant field.

General responsibilities of all supervisors

  • Stay informed about changes in PhD regulations and guidelines.
  • Provide consistent supervision, read, and discuss the student's work.
  • Maintain regular communication with the student.
  • Establish contacts with relevant research environments both nationally and internationally.
  • Ensure the PhD student retains rights to their research results in joint projects, experiments, and publications, for example, through co-author declarations.

Basic principles of PhD education at Aarhus University

Aarhus University insists on academic excellence in PhD education. Academic development, scholarly integrity, societal engagement, and the ability to collaborate are key in PhD education.

For further information about the 5 basic principles please see this page.

Thesis/Dissertation seminar

In connection with the semi-annual evaluation 12 months before the end of the period of enrolment on the PhD programme, a dissertation/thesis seminar will be arranged

  • The PhD student must present an outline of the planned dissertation, including selected written examples of the basic hypotheses, theories and methods. The outline will be critically discussed among the PhD student, principal supervisor, and expert senior researchers.
  • The dissertation/thesis seminar may be arranged by the department or in connection with an event at a Danish or foreign institution.
  • The dissertation/thesis seminar may form part of the background for the semi-annual evaluation.
  • The principal supervisor is, in close dialogue with the PhD student, responsible for contacting the PhD programme/research programme/department to organise the dissertation/thesis seminar.
  • Opponents at dissertation/thesis seminars are at later point allowed to be part of the committee that will be assessing the final PhD dissertation.  

Guidelines for dissertation/thesis seminars (feedback for PhD students) at the Graduate School, Arts - Memo

How a Supervisor is appointed

  • The principal supervisor must be an active, recognized researcher in the relevant area, employed by the university as a professor or associate professor, or at an equivalent level, and affiliated with the Graduate School, Arts.
  • All supervisors must be academically qualified in the PhD project's area.
  • Additional experts may be associated as project advisors according to the mentor agreement.
  • Typically, two or three supervisors are appointed
  • Principal Supervisor: Overall responsibility for the PhD program and supervision process.
  • Co-Supervisor(s): Provide academic guidance as per the supervision agreement. Co-supervisors may be from other institutions in Denmark or abroad.

Change of Supervisor

  • Supervisors can be changed or additional ones appointed during the PhD program.
  • Requests for changes can come from the PhD student, principal supervisor, or be initiated by the head of the graduate school.
  • Requests must be made through the graduate school's PhD administration.
  • If a supervisor is unavailable for a month or more, an acting supervisor will be appointed.

Supervision agreement

  • A written supervision agreement is prepared and forms part of the PhD plan.
  • The graduate school approves the supervision agreement within three months of the PhD student's enrollment.
  • PhD students receive 180 hours of supervision in total, typically 30 hours per semester, including supervisors' preparation work.
  • The need for supervision may vary from PhD student to PhD student.
  • Principal supervisors must meet their students regularly.