Ministerial Order on the PhD Degree Programme at the Universities and Certain Higher Artistic Educational Institutions (the PhD Order)
The Danish Consolidation Act on Universities (the University Act)
Living in Denmark during employment
Stay abroad during your employment at Aarhus University
Danish social security
International social security
Your union representative can help you if you have questions about your employment and the collective agreement.
If you are ill due to a work related accidents it is also important that you inform Bettina H. Acthon in the PhD administration if you are absent for more than 14 days due to the accident.
Danish research institutions and companies are an attractive target for espionage, and it has been confirmed that intelligence services in a number of countries have identified Danish research as a priority target.because Denmark is a world leader in a number of fields. The complexity of situation is compounded by the fact that universities and researchers in these countries are among the most attractive potential collaborators for Danish research. The committee on guidelines for international research and innovation collaboration (URIS) has set out guidelines for Danish research institutions, including Aarhus University, that are intended to protect our research and research findings.
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