Aarhus University Seal

Rules and forms

Rules and regulations - PhD degree programme and University Act

The Graduate School, Arts regulations for the PhD degree programme

Ministerial Order on the PhD degree programme

Ministerial Order on the PhD Degree Programme at the Universities and Certain Higher Artistic Educational Institutions (the PhD Order)

University Act

The Danish Consolidation Act on Universities (the University Act)


Residence during employment

Living in Denmark during employment

  • During your employment at Aarhus University you are expected to be present at your workplace on an everyday basis.
  • It is expected that you stay in Denmark during your employment, with the exception of official trips such as participation in conferences, courses, field studies and research environment change/stay abroad.

Stay abroad during your employment at Aarhus University

Social security

Danish social security

International social security

Psychological Counselling Service

Union representative

Your union representative can help you if you have questions about your employment and the collective agreement.

Work related accidents

If you are ill due to a work related accidents it is also important that you inform Bettina H. Acthon in the PhD administration if you are absent for more than 14 days due to the accident.


Security in international research and innovation collaboration (URIS guidelines)

Danish research institutions and companies are an attractive target for espionage, and it has been confirmed that intelligence services in a number of countries have identified Danish research as a priority target.because Denmark is a world leader in a number of fields. The complexity of situation is compounded by the fact that universities and researchers in these countries are among the most attractive potential collaborators for Danish research. The committee on guidelines for international research and innovation collaboration (URIS) has set out guidelines for Danish research institutions, including Aarhus University, that are intended to protect our research and research findings. 

For further information please see:

The whistleblower scheme

Paid work at the department

For Externals

Dissertation: Without prior enrolment as a PhD student at the Graduate School, Arts

  • Prior to submission of your PhD dissertation, you must contact the relevant PhD programme administrator well in advance of submission of the PhD dissertation in question in order to get a link for the electronic application form. Guidelines for electronic application.
  • If you are not/have not been enrolled at Aarhus University, but wish to have your PhD dissertation assessed (according to The Ministerial Order and Ministerial Order on Amendment to Ministerial Order (PhD Order), § 15, 2), the costs are DKK 45.000,- in all. 
  • The costs for constituting the assessment committee and assessing the dissertation amounts to DKK 30.000,-. The costs for conducting the PhD defence amounts to DKK 15.000,-. 
  • The PhD dissertation must be submitted electronically. 
  • The dissertation must be uploaded as one coherent PDF file. Please remember to provide each page with a page number.  
  • Enclosures: Please find the forms for the enclosures below
  • Application: Please fill out the application form and upload the necessary documents incl. the form Submission of PhD dissertation without prior enrolment as a PhD student to your electronic application.  Note that the title of the dissertation must be stated in both Danish and English in the form. 
  • Summary of the dissertation: Please upload a summary of the dissertation in both Danish and English to your electronic application. 
  • Account of research results/Qualifications: Please upload an outline of qualifications which are equivalent to the completion of a PhD degree programme (courses, teaching, other communication of research as well as stays in other research environments) to your electronic application. 
  • Co-writing: In the case of co-writing, please upload a declaration on co-writing or a declaration on projects that have been made in cooperation with other partners. 

Forms for PhD Students

Form: New employee information form

Form: Change of environment abroad with a duration of 4 weeks or more

Form: Application for extra travel funding

Form: Supervision agreement

Form: Leave between part A and part B of 4+4

Form: Extra funding for equipment, data collection