As a PhD student at Arts, there are a number of rules and regulations that you should familiarise yourself with. In particular, you should read the rules and regulations that apply to PhD students at the Graduate School, Arts. Please note that Danish rules and regulations are legally binding, while English rules and regulations are for ease of reference.
The graduate school does not extend the enrolment or employment for any leave of absence held without prior written consent from the graduate school.
Living in Denmark during employment
During your employment at Aarhus University you are expected to be present at your workplace on an everyday basis.
It is required that you stay in Denmark during your employment, with the exception of official trips such as participation in conferences, courses, field studies and research environment change/stay abroad.
Social security
As an employee at Aarhus University with residence in Denmark you are covered by Danish social security. Social security is about the right to treatment at hospitals, the right to pension, allowances in the case of illness/parental leave, children’s allowances etc. In Denmark social security is financed by taxes.
Stay abroad during your employment at Aarhus University
If you leave Denmark for 6 months or more you must inform your local authority ("kommune").
Please note that lengthy stays abroad may affect your right to Danish social security (incl. benefits due to parental leave or long-term illness).
Research is the foundation for all activities at Aarhus University. Therefore, we must strive to ensure the reliability and integrity of our research. This entails that everyone who conducts research at Aarhus University must act in accordance with the basic principles that constitute the foundation for all research intergrity.
Aarhus University works to ensure that research is conducted responsibly and to safeguard the freedom of research of the university and the individual researcher in different ways.
Aarhus University's policy for responsible conduct of research and code of practice to ensure scientific integrity and responsible conduct of research:
Please see the graduate school's website "Offensive or inappropriate behaviour" for further information.
You can also find information here:
As a researcher you will often come across situations in which you are under a legal obligation to obtain consent for participation from coming participants (data subjects) in your research project, or in which it is simply good practice or ethical to do so.
Please see this page for further information.
The rules for the PhD degree programme at the Graduate School, Arts states that you must include a lengthy research stay at a foreign institution during your studies. The stay must be a continuous period lasting at least two months at an active research environment.
According to the “Act on employment contracts and certain working conditions” from 2023 Aarhus University must draw up an addendum to your employment contract if you are going abroad for four or more consecutive weeks.
This means that if you are a PhD fellows (5+3 and 4+4 part B) employed by Aarhus University you must contact your PhD administrator at least one month before leaving for your research stay abroad.
You can find the form you need to fill out regarding change of environment abroad on this page: (under "Research Stay Abroad – Addendum")
For further information about travelling as a PhD student please see this page:
What happens in case of an accident where a person is injured or laboratory equipment or other facilities are damaged. Who is responsible, and who will bear the financial risk? For further information please see:
Danish social security
As an employee of Aarhus University, you are covered by the Danish social security system. The social security systems includes the right to receive hospital treatment and access to a pension, unemployment benefits, family benefits and child allowances. In Denmark, social security is financed through taxation.
For further information please see
International social security
International social security rules determine which country's rules apply. International social security rules are therefore rules concerning choice of law. The choice of law does not determine whether a person is entitled to social security. This is decided by national legislation.
For further information please see