The graduate school has a number of forms that you must use when you apply for enrolment and employment at Arts.
The timetable is a mandatory attachment to the project description: English version
Although the form for the timetable is in English you are allowed to fill it out in Danish if the call is in Danish.
The form is meant to replace the timetable in the project description. If you write your own timetable in the project description it counts as a part of the max 12,000 characters. Your own version cannot replace the form. If you do not upload the mandatory form for the timetable your application will be rejected.
The form must be used by both 4+4 and 5+3 applicants. It is just the last part of the form that is for 4+4 applicants only.
The timetable must be saved in the same PDF file as your project description. You cannot copy/past the timetable into the Word file with your project description. You must save them both as PDF first and then merge the two documents! Do not upload the timetable in another field in the application.
Please upload the cover sheet in the same file as your diplomas and transcripts of records/diploma supplement: English version
Preferred order:
Upload the Cover sheet in the same file as your documentation for BA and MA. Do not upload the Cover sheet in another field in the application.
This form is only mandatory if you are or have been enrolled as PhD student.
The PhD degree programme is equivalent in length to three years of full-time study (180 ECTS credits). The period of study may be shorter if the applicant has obtained equivalent qualifications to those required by other means (credit transfer).
Please list the activities you have already completed at PhD level in connection with a current or previous enrolment on a PhD degree programme. These activities may be relevant for your PhD project and application.
Form for credit when applying for PhD scholarship/fellowship via open or specific call: English version
Form for credit when applying enrolment via ad hoc application: English version
This budget form is only mandatory if you need more money for equipment or travels than the amounts mentioned under Financing in the Application guide.
Statement concerning particularly costly equipment, studying abroad etc.: Danish budget form - English budget form
Besides the forms under the section "Forms for the online application" there are some other forms you must upload to your application when applying for enrolment with external funding via the ad hoc application form.
Do not upload the below forms if you apply for the open call or for one of the specific calls!
The funding for the enrolment can either come from:
Fill out the form below if you apply via the ad hoc application form and must be employed at Aarhus University as a condition for the external funding (the funding must contain salary for 3 years).