Aarhus University Seal

Applying for enrolment with external funding


When you have the full funding for a 3-year enrolment you can apply for enrolment. In order to get a direct link to the application facility you must contact the PhD administrator at the PhD programme you want to be affiliated. You cannot apply for enrolment before you have received a grant for the whole duration of the enrolment.

You must be able to prove that you have the full funding before you apply for enrolment.

If you need an advance commitment from the university before you can apply for external funding please contact Anna Plaskett from the PhD administration.

There is no application deadline but please apply in good time before the expected enrolment start (at least one month before enrolment start - longer if you need to apply for a residence and work permit).

How to apply for enrolment with external funding

  1. Apply for funding
    Apply for the funding for the PhD fellowship/scholarship from the external source.
  2. Letter of funding
    When you have received the detailed letter of funding you can apply for enrolment.
  3. Apply for enrolment
    Once you have the full funding for the enrolment you can apply for enrolment. Please contact the programmes PhD administrator for the ad hoc link to the application facility.

    Please read the Application guide before you apply incl. "Mandatory attachments".

    You cannot use the application form from the links in the open/specific calls. You have to apply for enrolment on a different form using the ad hoc link sent to you directly by the PhD administrator when you want to apply for enrolment only.

Freedom to conduct research without sanctions or reprisals

Aarhus University is committed to protecting the rights of PhD students and ensuring optimal conditions throughout the entire PhD study. For Aarhus University, it is crucial that PhD students have the freedom to conduct research without fear of economic sanctions or reprisals. This is essential for PhD students to develop their academic independence and skills and contribute to new knowledge in their research area, as described in the basic principles of PhD education at Aarhus University

The Graduate School, Arts does therefore not accept third-party contracts (for example in connection to international scholarships) that limit the freedom or mobility of PhD students during and after the PhD study at the graduate school. PhD students who are not employed by Aarhus University are required to sign a document stating that no such third-party contracts exist.

Erroneous or misleading information may result in rejection of an application for a PhD study or termination of the PhD study.