Aarhus University Seal

General questions

Below you can find a number of topics that may not have been described under the individual sections in the Application guide.

Application form/facility

Where can I find the link for the application facility?
Click on the link "Call incl. link to the application facility" below each call on this page: http://phd.arts.au.dk/applicants/open-and-specific-calls/. The link for the application facility is in the bottom of each call under Application.

Can I save my application?

Can I exit and re-enter my application more than once?
No, you have to start over if you exit the application.

Number of applications

How many applications may I submit?
Only one application may be submitted per call.

May I apply for both the open call and the specific calls?
You are allowed to apply with one proposal for the open call and one proposal for each of the specific calls. Only one application (= proposal) per call. You are not allowed to apply for the same call with 2 different proposals.

May I apply to two different PhD programmes within the open call?
The open call is one call although you have to choose between the 8 PhD programmes. You may only send one application for the open call.

I have sent two applications for the same call. What do I do?
If you have submitted more than one application for the same call we will assess the last application received. The other applications will be considered as drafts and deleted.

Language on application

Shall I fill out the application in Danish or English?
Please see the application language in the call (under "Application"). If you may choose the language yourself you will find this line in the call "The application can be written in both Danish and English."

May I write my application and project description in Danish?
Yes, if the application language stated in the call is Danish (see the section "Application").

May I upload Danish diplomas to the English application facility?
Yes. You do not need to get your BA and MA diplomas translated from Danish to English even though the application language is English according to the call.

Deadline and enrolment start

When is the deadline for application?
See the bottom of the call for the deadline. Always read the whole call before completing your application.

When does the PhD scholarship begin?
Find the relevant date in the call. Always read the whole call before completing your application.

See all deadlines on this page.

Fields with * and (*)

What is the difference between * and (*)?
* must be filled out in order to send the application.
(*) is not mandatory unless it says otherwise in the guidelines for the application. If you fill out a section marked with (*) you must fill out the whole section otherwise you cannot send your application.


I have two documents for the same upload box. What do I do?
You can only upload one PDF file in each box. The two documents must therefore be merges and saved as one large PDF file. You can find fee programmes online that can do this for you. 

I can only upload one document under Other information to consider. May I upload it under another category?
No, you may only upload documents under the correct category. Join the different documents as one pdf-file if necessary. 

International applicants

I am not a Danish citizen. Can I apply for one of your PhD scholarships/fellowships?
Yes, international citizens may apply for our PhD scholarships/fellowships. The only difference between Danish citizens and international citizens is that international citizens must have received a residence and work permits before beginning his/her PhD study.
If you are offered one of our PhD scholarships/fellowships you should contact the PhD administrator for your PhD programme as soon as possible. He/she will help you apply for a residence and work permit. For further information on residence and work permits please see New to Denmark's webpage.

For further information please see this page.


Do I get a salary if I get one of the 3-year PhD fellowships via the open call or a specific call?
Yes, the PhD fellowship consists of both an enrolment and an employment. You can see the salary on this page regarding salary for 5+3 fellows.

Do I get a salary if I get one of the 4-year PhD scholarships via the open call or a specific call?
Both yes and no. The first 1½-2 years you will be enrolled on part A and get a SU grant. You will also be offered an employment of 210-280 working hours. When you have passed your Master's degree and start on part B you will be employed as a PhD fellow and receive an ordinary salary.

Applying for the wrong casll, scheme (4+4/5+3) or PhD programme

Will my application be rejected if I apply for the 5+3 scheme instead of the 4+4 scheme?
No. If we find that you have applyed for the wrong scheme on the basis of your qualifications we will just move your application to the 4+4 scheme. You will not be notified of this.
Be aware that we might not be able to enrol you on a Master's degree programme with your qualifications. See this page: https://phd.arts.au.dk/applicants/phdstudystructure

Will my application be rejected if I apply for the wrong PhD programme?
No, we will move your application to a more suitable PhD programme. You will not be notified of this.

Will my application be rejected if I apply for the wrong call?
We will move your application to the correct call if you have not already applied for that call. If you have applied for both calls your application for the wrong call will be rejected because you cannot get two applications assessed for the same call.

Applying with a completed Master's degree and an ongoing Master's degree

I already have a Master's degree but now I am enrolled on a second Master's degree programme. Can I apply for the 4+4 scheme with my ongoing Master's degree programme?

No, you cannot apply for the 4+4 scheme with an ongoing Master’s degree programme if you have already completed another Master’s degree programme corresponding to a Danish two-year Master’s degree programme (120 ECTS). This means that you have to apply for the 5+3 scheme with your completed Master’s degree and not the 4+4 scheme with your ongoing Master’s degree programme. You can also choose to finish your current Master’s degree programme and apply later for 5+3 with your second Master's degree.

If your completed Master's degree is not equivalent to a Danish 2-year Master's degree you may apply for the 4+4 scheme.

Please see this page for more information on the 4+4 and 5+3 scheme.

Applying with a PhD degree

I already have a PhD degree. May I apply for a PhD scholarship/fellowship?
The Circular on the collective agreement for state-employed academics states, "It is normally a condition for employment that the person in question does not already have a PhD degree". This means that you cannot apply for one of our PhD scholarship/fellowship if you already have a PhD degree.

Self-financed PhD student at Arts

Besides applying for a PhD scholarship/fellowship you can also apply for enrolment and cover the enrolment costs of your own pocket or via an external grant.

Please see these pages for further information:

Please note that once you have been enrolled at a PhD degree programme at the Graduate School, Arts with your own funding or an external grant you cannot apply for a PhD scholarship/fellowship via the open call or a specific call to cover the costs of your enrolment.