Aarhus University Seal


Applying for

  • Applying via call (open or specific)
    Choose one of these if you apply for a PhD scholarship/fellowship via a call:
    • 4+4 enrolment and scholarship
    • 5+3 enrolment and scholarship
  • Applying via ad hoc link (enrolment with external funding)
    Choose one of these if you already have a grant for external funding, or you wish to pay for the enrolment yourself:
    • 4+4 enrolment only
    • 5+3 enrolment only

See a description of the study programmes (4+4 and 5+3) on this page: http://phd.arts.au.dk/applicants/phdstudystructure/

Starting date

  • Applying via call (open or specific)
    See the date stated in the call.
  • Applying via ad hoc link (enrolment with external funding)
    Minimum one month from the application has been sent.

Starting date: Comments

Enter the start date from the call. You must be able to start on the date specified the call or we might withdraw our offer of PhD scholarship/fellowship.

If you apply with external funding you have procured yourself you may start all year round. We must however receive your ad hoc application at least one month before enrolment start.

Frequently Asked Question


Can I apply now and postpone the enrolment start?
No, you have to be able to start on the date specified in the call. We only have two exceptions from this rule:
- if there is a delay with your residence and work permit
- if you are on maternity leave when your enrolment starts

Credit transfer on top of admission level (Months)

  • No previous PhD enrolment
    If you have not passed any elements on a PhD degree programme please enter '0' in the box. The field must be filled out. You cannot submit your application if the field is blank.

  • Previous PhD enrolment
    The field must be filled out when enrolling for less than 3 years (5+3) due to a previous enrolment on a PhD degree programme or elements taken on PhD level. Please see the section "If previous PhD enrolment" under "Academic background".

    The application must indicate any specific activities (form) relevant to the PhD project for which you may be able to receive credits, and such credits must not affect the level of the PhD degree programme. Documentation for such activities must be attached. At the same time, you must indicate the extent to which such credits, if granted, will reduce the overall study period. The expected completion date of the PhD degree programme must be indicated.

    Credit application form: English version
    Please upload the form under "Other information to consider".

Credit transfer (merit): Comments

What is Credit transfer on top of admission level?
This only applies for 5+3 applicants who are already enrolled at a PhD degree programme. The credit will reduce the overall study period (3 years) depending on the approved credit.

Application form:

  • Academic background (If previous PhD enrolment),
  • Admission (Credit transfer on top of admission level) and
  • Application material (Other information to consider)

If part time (hours per week and reason)

Full-time = 37 hours/week

  • 4+4 applicants
    • Leave the field blank. It does not apply to the 4+4 scheme.
  • 5+3 applicants                   
    • Via call (open or specific call):
      Leave the field blank. It does not apply if you apply via a call.
      The calls are advertised as full-time studies.
    • Via ad hoc link (enrolment with external funding):
      The PhD study is normally a full-time study. In a few cases the Graduate School allows part-time enrolment. The minimum hours per week are 18.5.

If industrial PhD (enter company)

  • Applying via call (open or specific)
    It does not apply if you apply via a call.
  • Applying via ad hoc link (enrolment with external funding)
    Enter company and enclose the necessary documentation for external funding under "Financing", "Proof of financial support" below.
    See http://phd.arts.au.dk/applicants/industrial-phd-programme/