Please fill out the form with your personal information.
First name = given name
Last name = surname/family name
Be sure to check that the email address is correct and valid during the entire assessment of your application as all future communication regarding your application will be sent to this address.
Aarhus University uses application data, including legal gender (male/female) and citizenship, for statistical purposes. The information will be used solely for statistics and will not be included in the assessment of individual applicants. Please note that Aarhus University is authorized to collect data on individuals' legal gender but not gender identity.
Upload a traditional Curriculum Vitae to your application that contains information such as contact details, education (Bachelor and Master level), work experience after Master's degree and a summary of academic publications, if any.
Academic publications
Author(s), title, place/type of publication (incl. year), number of pages, link to web.
You may only attach a summary of your academic publications. If you attach an academic publication it will be deleted from the application.
We do not have a template for the CV.
Where do I upload my academic publications?
You may not attach your publications. If you do they will be deleted from the application.
You may only attach a summary of your academic productions. The summary must be uploaded together with your CV. The summary must contain the following information: Author(s), title, place/type of publication (incl. year), number of pages, link to web.
Do I have to upload the form "Information sheet for earlier employment" to my application?
Only if you apply with external funding and the funding includes salary for employment at Aarhus University.