Graduate School, Arts offers a variety of courses for PhD students.
The courses must be relevant to the PhD student's research project, training or prospective career and planned in cooperation with the principal supervisor. As a rule the PhD course must be on a higher academic level than the Master's degree. The principal supervisor decides the level of the course and the number of ECTS points for each course. Often, the call does state the number of appointed ECTS points (workload), and a course cerficate stating ECTS points will be issued after the course.
For external course participants enrolled in a PhD programme outside of Denmark: Please note that PhD courses are not graded and you must therefore make sure to clear with your home institution, whether the course can be approved by your own Graduate School/supervisor.
During the course of the PhD study programme, the PhD students are required to complete PhD courses or similar subject elements totalling approximately 30 ECTS credits.
Please note, your study elements must be completed when you are actively enrolled. This means, you cannot include courses or get courses approved if they are taken during leave from the PhD study or completed after the enrolment end date.
The course programme consists of the following:
Centre for Educational Development
Besides 3 of the mandatory PhD courses the Centre for Educational Development (CED) offers a number of other PhD courses.
Danish PhD course association (Det åbne kursusmarked)
PhD students at Aarhus University can participate in PhD courses offered at member institutions of The Danish PhD association free of change.
For further information, please refer to the agreement between members of the Danish PhD association (in Danish)
PhD students enrolled at Graduate School, Arts, should contact their main supervisor for the planning of course attendance.