At the request of the head of graduate school, the relevant programme director will present a proposal for the composition of the assessment committee. The programme director prepares the proposal in consultation with the relevant heads of schools before forwarding it to the graduate school. The committees are appointed by the dean.
An expert assessment committee is appointed for each of the eight cross-disciplinary PhD degree programmes at the faculty. The standing expert assessment committee evaluates all PhD fellowship/enrolment applications within the respective PhD degree programme.
The committee must consist of five members, including the chair (= the programme director) and the deputy chair. The members of the committee must be tenured academic staff members at the faculty and at associate professor level or above (assistant professors cannot be appointed to the committee). Principal supervisors may be appointed to the committee.
The term of office of the standing committee is usually one year with effect from 1 September in the year in question. Both men and women must be represented on all committees. The committee members must reflect the academic field of the PhD degree programme as broadly as possible. The balance between continuity and replacement must be taken into account when setting up the committee.
In connection with the semi-annual evaluation 12 months before the end of the period of enrolment on the PhD programme, a dissertation/thesis seminar will be arranged at which the PhD student must present an outline of the planned dissertation, including selected written examples of the basic hypotheses, theories and methods. The outline will be critically discussed among the PhD student, principal supervisor, and expert senior researchers. The dissertation/thesis seminar may be arranged by the department or in connection with an event at a Danish or foreign institution. The dissertation/thesis seminar may form part of the background for the semi-annual evaluation. The principal supervisor is, in close dialogue with the PhD student, responsible for contacting the PhD programme/research programme/department to organise the dissertation/thesis seminar. Opponents at dissertation/thesis seminars are at later point allowed to be part of the committee that will be assessing the final PhD dissertation.
Guidelines for dissertation/thesis seminars (feedback for PhD students) at the Graduate School, Arts - Memo
For further information about the rules and regulations please see this page.