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Lea Muldtofte Olsen:
In Language Plus Code: the constitution of subjectivity in computational media
School of Communication and Culture 2018
Anders Eskildsen
Interagency in improvised music: A systems theory-based analytical strategy
Mette Lind Kusk:
On Uncertain Ground: Intimate Wrangles over Land and Belonging in Northern Uganda
School of Culture and Society 2018
Bodil Elisabeth Lodberg:
Hus og hjem - en overset økonomi i protestantismen og det danske velfærdssamfund
School of Culture and Society, 2018
Rune Hansen:
Målstyret kompetenceorienteret matematikundervisning
Danish School of Education, 2018
Tina Louise Sørensen:
Hinsides udkant. Alternative kunstneriske sanseliggørelser af dansk provins 2005-2015
School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University
Keld Skovmand
I bund og grund – lærerprofessionens didaktik?
Charlotte Riis Jensen:
Vejledning af lærere - en samskabende proces. Når lærere støttes i at udvikle inkluderende læringsmiljøer
Danish School of Education 2018