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Sofie Sauzet:
Versioner. Diffraktive analyser af tværprofessionalismens tilblivelse som fænomen i professionshøjskolen
Danish School of Education, 2015
Kristian Buhl Thomsen:
Da de danske byer blev revet ned. Praksis og ideologi i dansk sanerings- og byfornyelsespolitik 1939-1983
School of Culture and Society, 2015
Jan Jaap Rothuizen
På sporet af pædagogisk faglighed. Pædagoguddannelsens deltagelse i det pædagogiske projekt
Eva Krause Jørgensen
Breaking The Chains - An Intellectual History of the Discursive Struggles over the Danish Agrarian Reforms, 1784-1797
Laura Dombernowsky:
Becoming Professional: Competing Values and Standards in Chinese Journalism
School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University
Lise Dilling-Hansen:
‘My Artpop Could Mean Anything’ - an investigation of the gender and body performances of Lady Gaga and of the negotiation practices and affective responses of the Gaga fans
Sine Grove Saxkjær:
Markers of Ethnicity in the Archaeological Record: The Emergence of Indigenous Ethnic and Cultural Identities in Southern Italy (8th – 6th centuries BC)
Claire Elisabeth Dungey:
Shades of Friendship: Schooling and Morality among Ugandan Youth
Janne Maria Solgaard Jensen:
Making Cosmopolitans: Europe Between the Local, the National and the Global in Young Danes’ Everyday Worldview
School of Culture and Society 2015
Jonas Ross Kjærgård:
The Happiness of All: Balancing Money and Morals in French Revolutionary Human Rights Discourse
School of Communication and Culture 2015
Bettina Buch:
Tekster og genrer på erhvervsuddannelserne – med særligt henblik på overgangen fra grundskole til erhvervsuddannelser
Danish School of Education, Aarhus University 2015
Line Møller Daugaard:
Sproglig praksis i og omkring modersmålsundervisning. En lingvistisk etnografisk undersøgelse
Danish School of Education, June 2015
Kasper Hedegård Schiølin:
Teknologipessimisme. Træk af slægtskabet mellem den klassisk e teknologifilosofi og den pessimistiske viljes metafysik: Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Jünger og Heidegger
Department of Culture and Society, June 2015
Maria Christina Secher Schmidt:
Inklusionsbestræbelser i matematikundervisningen: En empirisk undersøgelse af matematiklæreres klasseledelse og elevers deltagelsesstrategier i folkeskolen
Department of Education, June 2015
Andreas Højlund Nielsen:
“TA-DA!” Investigating phonological categories in brain and behavior – using EEG and MEG
Department of Aesthetics and Communication, May 2015
Katja Brøgger:
The Faceless Masters of Higher Education
Department of Education, May 2015
Gitte Kaarina Jørgensen
Ingen andre har forstået os, har forstået hvor vigtige vi er – en undersøgelse af sundhedsplejerskers faglige selvforståelser
Department of Education, april 2015
Randi Margrethe Eidsaa:
Hvem skaper musikken? En studie av musikalsk skapende partnerskapsprosjekter i skolen utfra et estetisk og didaktisk perspektiv
Department of Education, Aarhus Universitet, February 2015
Jakob Schweppenhäuser:
Mere lyd! Ny dansk lydlig lyrik
Aarhus University, Department of Aesthetics and Communication, March 2015
Lea Lund Larsen:
Lærerens verden – Almendidaktiske refleksioner over klasserumserfaringer
Department of Education, Aarhus Universitet, March 2015
Lisbeth Hybholt
Patientuddannelse i hverdagsliv
Department of Education, March 2015