For the acquisition of the required teaching competencies, meetings etc. (including university pedagogics course for PhD students), 100 hours will be credited to the student as teaching (for 4+4, these will be divided into one-third on part A and two-thirds on part B).
Student teaching assignments, co-teaching etc.
- 1½ hours of preparation time per teaching hour will be allocated
- 25 hours per new course will be allocated for supervision, pedagogical development, course planning etc.
Independent teaching assignments
- 3 hours of preparation time per teaching hour will be allocated
- 65 hours per new course will be allocated for supervision, pedagogical development, course planning etc
Exam work
- Follows the current rules for the department’s academic staff.
Assignments without preparation
- For assignments as research assistant, research secretary in major research projects, project applications, conferences or research centres, the gross time spent will be allocated.
- The extent of such work will be agreed before the assignment is commenced.
Studies abroad
- To strengthen PhD students’ opportunity to study abroad for an extended period of time during the PhD degree programme, the departmental work may be reduced by 20 hours per month spent studying abroad to be completed in accordance with the PhD plan.
- This reduction may only be granted for up to five months of studying abroad.
The PhD committee
- Twice the actual time consumption for elected members of the committee. To this is added any transport time between the different campuses.