Aarhus University Seal

For Danish assessors

Hotel booking

Accommodation for assessors

  • If you require a hotel room for your participation as an assessor at the defence, the PhD administration will arrange the booking and forward the reservation details to you.
  • Please contact the PhD administrator if you require a hotel booking
  • The hotel will invoice the administration directly.
  • Breakfast is included in the hotel reservation.
  • The Graduate School, Arts, will cover the cost of up to two nights' accommodation in connection with the defence.

Booking of train tickets

We kindly ask that you book your train tickets and seat reservations independently. After the defence, we will reimburse your expenses.

  • Please note: We only reimburse train tickets booked in economy class.
  • Remember to keep the receipts for reimbursement purposes.

Travel by car

  • You are welcome to drive your own car.
  • The reimbursement rate is currently DKK 2.23 per kilometre (2025).

Remuneration of your work

  • Remuneration of your work will be 16 hours, equalling approx. 8,600 DKK ~1,156 € (incl. holiday pay)
  • The standard honorarium given to external assessor corresponds to 16 hours of work
  • Please fill out this form after the defence to be remunerated for your work.

Reimbursement of expenses

Which expenses are eligible for reimbursement?

  • Transport to and from the Defence (Train, personal car, or similar)
  • Hotel accommodation up to the statutory rate
  • Additionally, you can be reimbursed for reasonable expenses for light meals and similar

Please note

  • Mileage Reimbursement (2.23 DKK per km)
  • Expenses can only be reimbursed with proper documentation/receipts.
  • Taxi fares are not reimbursed unless there is a prior agreement with the PhD administration