Aarhus University Seal

PhD projects 2014

Full name Program Account Project title
Chiara Bresciani Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society The infinite Conquest. A critical study of agency and tradition in a Huave community, Mexico
Christiane Falck Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Local Appropriations and Interpretations of Modern Technologies at the Sepik River in Papua New Guinea
Jacob Hartvig Sandager Hansen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Religiøs cirkulation og transformation i en global tidsalder; en komparativ analyse af transformation af hinduistisk praksis og trosopfattelser i ashrams i Vesten og Østen
Marc Andersen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Predictive coding in the sense of supernatural agency: An empircal study of the sense of supernatural agency during sensory deprivation and tightly coupled group interaction
Mette Lind Kusk Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Land conflicts between neighbors in Northern Uganda: Social navigation in a post-war environment
Natalie Forssman Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Over land and sea: Tracking marine mammals in landscapes of coordination
Stina Møldrup Wolff Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Making cities, making citizens. An urban ethnography of changing urban modalities in Kigamboni satellite city, Dar es Salaam.
Søren Buskov Poulsen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Tibetan Buddhism and Science: negotiating moral conflicts in modernity
Anders Eskildsen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Facilitering af musikalsk improvisation
Ane Petrea Danielsen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Det levendegjorte billede - Middelalderlige ikoner i et postmoderne perspektiv
Ayoe Quist Henkel Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Ungdomslitteraturens æstetik i et digitaliseret og medialiseret tekstlandskab
Christina Jerne Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Experience Economy and Social Innovation
Johan Kjærulff Rasmussen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication We can be actors, not just spectators
Johannes Korsholm Poulsen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Posthuman aesthetics
Lea Muldtofte Olsen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication The Magic Button - How the relationship between human and machine is represented through aesthetic stagings of the button
Sarah Marie Mygind Nielsen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Børnelitteraturens nye til- og ombygninger – Et studie i tværmediale fortællinger for børn og unge
Simon Roy Christensen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Spor af ingenting; studier i stilhed med særligt hensyn til japansk kunst
Teresa Østergaard Pedersen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Asger Jorn's Scandinavian Institute for Comparative Vandalism and Old Norse Visual Art
Dorthe Carlsen Didactics Dept. of Education Undervisningsdifferentiering i digitale læringsmiljøer i dansk
Hans Harryson Didactics Dept. of Education Det almendidaktiske element i læreruddannelsen
Jacob Christensen Didactics Dept. of Education Undervisning i mad og måltider med Madkamp i folkeskolen som genstandsfelt
Laura Irene Torres Reyes Didactics Dept. of Education Opportunities for school-based health promotion in farming communities of Ecuador
Lisa Monica Fälling Andersen Didactics Dept. of Education Materiel-orienteret fagdidaktik i faget håndværk og design
Liv Fabrin Didactics Dept. of Education Elevers læsehandlinger - et performativt blik på læsestrategier
Marie-Louise Molbæk Didactics Dept. of Education Elever som reagenter - situeret skriveundervisning på mellemtrinet
Mette Alma Kjærsholm Boie Didactics Dept. of Education Gymnasielærerens relationelle balance
Neriman Tiftikci Didactics Dept. of Education Vurdering for læring
Rune Hansen Didactics Dept. of Education Fagteamsamarbejde i matematik, som grundlag for en målsat kompetencebaseret matematikundervisning
Søren Witzel Clausen Didactics Dept. of Education Udvikling af geografilæreres kompetencer
Thomas Iskov Didactics Dept. of Education ”Udskolingsdidaktik - mellem de unges forudsætninger, eksterne evalueringskrav og lærerens pædagogiske intentionalitet”
Anna Severine Beck History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Ideen om det gode liv – et studie af samspillet mellem menneske, arkitektur og idealer i vikingetidens samfund
Arjen Heijnis History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Iron Age defensive works in South Scandinavia
Byron Zachary Rom-Jensen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society The Scandinavian Legacy: Perspectives on the Nordic Model within the United States
Jette Baagø Klockmann History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society The Internationalization of a National Memory
Martin Friis Andersen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society De olympiske lege som sted og erindring
Nicola Christine Daumann History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Pilgrimage and Urbanism in the Roman Provinces of Syria and Iudaea
Rasmus Skovgaard Jakobsen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Reformation og adel - en undersøgelse af reformationens påvirkning af den danske adel. Ca. 1525-1560''erne
Sanne Hoffmann History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Terrakotta figurer som votivgaver i græske helligdomme i diakront perspektiv, ca. 600 til 31. f. Kr.
Janus Holst Aaen ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media Realising the Learning Potentials of the Internet
Joeb Høfdinghoff Grønborg ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Den medialiserede motionist - om sociale motionsmediers integration i danskernes motionspraksis
Kasper Skov Christensen ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Designing digital materials for digital fabrication in education
Lynge Stegger Gemzøe ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Transnational remake study of Danish TV drama
Mikkel Hjorth ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Digital design bildung through digital fabrication
Sigrid Nielsen Saabye ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Hvad bruges podcasts til? - En undersøgelse af udvælgelsen, situationen og motiverne bag podcastlytning
Stig Møller Hansen ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Graphic Design in a Computational Culture: Developing Craftsmanship on a Digital Medium
Vlada Botoric ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Igniting Creativity through Participatory Innovation: LEGO Fans’ Co-creation in the Digital Playground
Winnie Soon ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Beyond Data Representation: Rethinking Liveness in Network Art
Ana Paulla Braga Mattos Language, Linguistics and Cognition Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication A LINGUISTIC STUDY OF KALUNGA: A RUN-AWAY-SLAVES COMMUNITY IN A SECLUDED AREA IN GOIÁS, BRAZIL
Kalpana Vijayavarathan Language, Linguistics and Cognition Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication To identify teacher cognition in teaching English speaking in Grade 8, and study its impact on teachers’ pedagogic praxis
Allan Køster Learning and Education Dept. of Education Historicitet og narrativitet i selvets hermeneutik. Om brugen af narrativer i psykologiske og pædagogiske praksisser.
Ane Refshauge Høyrup Learning and Education Dept. of Education Vuggestuer og forældres kulturelle normer og idealer om civiliseret adfærd
Cathrine Stengade Learning and Education Dept. of Education Inklusion og børnefællesskaber i folkeskolen - et børneperspektiv
Cecilia Petrine Pedersen Learning and Education Dept. of Education Mental sundhed og robuste fællesskaber – Implementering af to arenabaserede interventioner til fremme af mental sundhed og trivsel blandt børn i Grønland: Vurdering af virkning for børns udvikling af sociale kompetencer og robusthed
Helene Falkenberg Learning and Education Dept. of Education ”Overbygningsskolen som potentielt vendepunkt – om kategoriseringspraksis og in- og eksklusion i udskolingen”.
Hilde Ulvseth Learning and Education Dept. of Education Elevengagement som katalysator for inklusion og læringsudbytte
Maj Sofie Rasmussen Learning and Education Dept. of Education From absenteeism to passion in learning environments in lower secondary school: A study of marginalized students' changes in learning and school participation
Morten Timmermann Korsgaard Learning and Education Dept. of Education Om inklusionsbegrebet og udvikling af inkluderende læringsrum
Oliver Alexander Tafdrup Learning and Education Dept. of Education Robotten som klassekammerat - Humanoide robotter i spændet mellem designere og brugere
Susanne Rydahl Learning and Education Dept. of Education Trust-based Leadership and Innovative Organizational Culture
Bjarke Skærlund Risager Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Property, place and protest
Hanna Thaler Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Empathy for pain and shame in individuals with autism
Karina Nielsen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Kulturmønstres betydning for at leve med en kronisk sygdom. En kvalitativ undersøgelse af kvinders håndtering af livet med iskæmisk hjertesygdom.
Kinga Zeller Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Sola Scriptura? - A Possibility for the Legitimization of the Reformatory Scriptual Principle in Modernity
Mattias Skat Sommer Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Luthers trestandslære i dansk teologi og opbyggelseslitteratur ca. 1550–1650
Nicolai Krejberg Knudsen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Hjemlighedens hermeneutik: En typologisk undersøgelse af forholdet mellem det fortrolige og det fremmede
Øyvind Lyngseth Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Sund dannelse