Aarhus University Seal

PhD projects 2013

Name Program Department Project title
Anne Sif Egede Antonsen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Historietænkning og historiografi som aksetidsfænomen
Doisiammoi Suantak Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Substance abuse and women:an anthropological study among the Vaipheis of Manipur
Fanny Fröhlich Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Economic Thinking and Social Conceptions in West Africa since the 1930s
Fie Lund Lindegaard Christensen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Contagion and social immunity - an analysis of young people with autism and ADHD
Inge Charlotte Jensen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Vadelandet mellem utopi og realisering
Isha Dubey Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society The 'Biharis' of bangladesh and the Idea of Home: A Study of Partiton Migration from the Muslim-Minority Areas of North India, 1940s-1990s
Jaana Carolina Sanchez Boe Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Of Bars and Borders. Incarcerated Foreign-nationals in France and the USA, a Comparative Analysis.
Karen Waltorp Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Place-making with Smartphones: Young Muslim women on- and offline in Blågården, Copenhagen
Katy Overstreet Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Spaces of ruination and possibility: socio-ecological relations in America's Dairyland
Kaamya Sharma Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Cultural Politics of the Sari in South Asia
Lea Skewes Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Gender in interaction: Stereotypes and social identities
Luke John Murphy Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Negotiating Spaces of Power and Cult in the North Atlantic, AD 500-1200
Mai Corlin Bagger-Petersen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Utopian Imaginaries in Rural Reconstruction - Urban Activists in Rural China
Mette Bjerregaard Mortensen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Tidlig islam - en undersøgelse af historisk udvikling i Koranen i lyset af spørgsmålet om aksetidstænkning
Mette Ginnerskov Hansen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Does social capital matter? Institutional engagement and student-student interaction in an international educational environment
Morten Deleuran Terkildsen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Constructing Genetic Sense in a Cross-cultural Perspective
Prakruti Ramesh Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Visual and Textual Narratives of Environmental Movement Politics in India
Roxana Breazu Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Romanian Economic Thought and Liberal Traditions
Sophie Caroline Bønding Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Konstruktionen af Danmark - Et komparativt studie af anvendelsen af førkristen nordisk mytologi og ideolog i etableringen af Danmark som verdsligt fællesskab.
Theresa Alin Ammann Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society The Importance of Women & Psychology in Peacebuilding: How their Neglect Affects Liberian Peacebuilding
Chris Askholt Hammeken Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Haver og hukommelse - Et studie i bevidsthedsudvidende potentialer ved analogier mellem kunstarter
Gertrud Oelsner Hansen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Dansk kunst, med mulighed for inddragelse af kunstnere fra de tidligere danske hertugdømmer i Tyskland i perioden ca. 1780-1870
Irene Campolmi Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Art Museum of the 21st Century
Kamma Overgaard Hansen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Danish Art in the 1980s
Ulrik Eskekilde Nissen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Byplanens æstetiske og politiske rum / The aesthetic and political space of the town plan
Kristine Kabel Didactics Dept. of Education Elevers begrundede vurderinger i udskolingen. Litteraturundervisningens potentiale.
Lone Krogsgaard Svarstad Didactics Dept. of Education Interkulturelle læreprocesser i engelsk- nybrud i kulturundervisningen gennem aktionsforskning og metodeudvikling
Micki Sonne Kaa Sunesen Didactics Dept. of Education ”Medieret læring og differentierede læringsfællesskaber – i en inklusionsoptik
Mikkel Stovgaard Didactics Dept. of Education Meningsfuld målsætning - meningsfuld læring?
Randi Boelskifte Skovhus Didactics Dept. of Education Uddannelsesparathed og -vurdering – betydninger, proces og samarbejde
Rasmus Fink Lorentzen Didactics Dept. of Education Innovativ undervisning med it og multimodalitet i dansk i folkeskolens udskoling
Rikke Hartmeyer Didactics Dept. of Education Pupils’ conceptual development and understanding of Natural Science/Technology in Primary school
Tingting Liu Didactics Dept. of Education Dialogical approaches to literature teaching: How to organize and practice dialogues in the learning classroom context
Uffe Ladegaard Didactics Dept. of Education Inkluderende identiteter i skolens literacyundervisning
Anne Brædder History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Crowdsourcing og historiebrug
Christina Lysbjerg Mogensen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Idealstat og lov: Christian II's land- og bylov
Jacob Kveiborg History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Zooarchaeological investigations of horses in the Nordic Bronze Age
Jonas Langeland Pedersen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society The Odd Man Out Again? Denmark and the Reception of European Public Law, 1973 to 1993
Karin Johannesen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Mosens glemte ritualer
Niels Nyegaard History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Homoseksualitet, borgerskab, klasse og nation i Danmark, ca. 1890-1912.
Sjamme van de Voort History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Building Cuban Culture on Authoritarian Memory
Torben Trier Christiansen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Limfjorden – fra yngre jernalder til tidlig middelalder. Bindeled mellem øst og vest i et maritimt præget Nordvesteuropa.
Trine Kellberg Nielsen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Northern Neanderthals - A systematic assessment of pre-modern human colonisation of south Scandinavia
Andrew Prior ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication An Informational Critique of Noise and Glitch Aesthetics
Ane Kathrine Lolholm Gammelby ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Når borgere tager sundheden i egen hånd
Bente Hull Frich ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Teleomsorg: Når sygepleje, teknologi og omsorg mødes – Frem mod et paradigmeskifte i sygeplejen.
Hoi Ting Li ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Culture and Society A Haven for Forbidden News: The Impact of Hong Kong News Media on China’s Media Pluralism
Katrine Broe Sørensen ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Bag skærmen - produktionskultur i den eksterne tv-produktionsbranche i Danmark
Nicolai Brodersen Hansen ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Generative designmaterialer til aktiv brugerdeltagelse i interaktionsdesign
Sandra Boss ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Lyden af formatet - En mediearkæologisk undersøgelse af auditive idealer hørt gennem reproduktive lydmedier
Aymeric Daval-Markussen Language, Linguistics and Cognition Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Typological analysis of creoles with phylogenetic methods
Jens Østergaard Language, Linguistics and Cognition Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Implicatures and cognitive pragmatics: An account of the goals of conversation
Magnus Hamann Language, Linguistics and Cognition Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Interaktionelle og sociale kompetencer hos patienter med frontalt lokaliserede hjerneblødninger: Et kvalitativt studie af hjerneskadede patienters interaktion med behandlere og pårørende
Anne Mette Buus Learning and Education Dept. of Education Evidensbaserede metoder: Organisering af barndom og børneliv
Charlotte Riis Jensen Learning and Education Dept. of Education Vejledning – som inkluderende redskab i læreres hverdagspraksis
Corina Balaban Learning and Education Dept. of Education Models of Doctoral Education
Helle Bundgaard Svendsen Learning and Education Dept. of Education Teknologibaseret læsning og skrivning i folkeskolen
Jakob Williams Ørberg Learning and Education Dept. of Education Heroes in the global knowledge economy? Indian students' production of parallel modernities.
Jie Gao Learning and Education Dept. of Education UNIKE Doctoral project 3:Conjunction of Chinese and Western educational traditions in the design and teaching of Sino-Danish Centre courses
Kia Wied Learning and Education Dept. of Education Elevpotentialets kompleks - elevrettet ledelse og organisering i spændingsfeltet mellem selvrealisering og performancekrav
Lonni Hall Learning and Education Dept. of Education Ledelsesvilkår, pædagogisk ledelse og elevernes læringsudbytte
Mei QU Learning and Education Dept. of Education Combination of Chinese and Danish Educational Cultures in Transnational Higher Education: the Case of Sino-Danish Centre
Mette Marie Ledertoug Learning and Education Dept. of Education Styrkebaseret læring
Miguel Antonio Lim Learning and Education Dept. of Education UNIKE Doctoral Project 5: Audit culture and the industries of ranking
Christoffer Basse Eriksen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Kroppens økonomi - et idéhistorisk studie af forplantningsteorierne i det 18. århundrede
Lars Frølund Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Nysgerrighed i strategisk vidensudveksling
Sandy Andersen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Cultural-anthropological Perspectives on the Culture of Food in the City of Horsens, with Special Regard to Diminished Consumption of Meat Products - A Supplement to the Healthy City Program of Horsens
Stefan Kristoffer Larsen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society What Sociable Robots Ought to See - Groundwork for a new algorithm for social perception and symptom handling in next-generation welfare technology.
Tone Frank Dandanell Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society “At staae ved det vidunderliges grændse”: Kierkegaard og den postmetafysiske spiritualitet
Vanja Thaulow Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Grundtvig som polemiker. Retoriske analyser af Grundtvigs stridsskrifter i perioden 1810-1825.
Wen Ge Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society The Deep Coinherence: A Chinese Appreciation of N. F. S. Grundtvig's Public Theology