Aarhus University Seal

PhD projects 2012

Name Program Department Project title
Avash Piya Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Nepal on the move: conflict, migration & stability
Jeanette Lykkegård Nielsen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Selvmord og reinkarnation blandt Tjukterne i sibirien
Kasper Jelsbech Knudsen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Transforming the Holy Spirit: et komparativt studie af transformation i kristne ritualer
Maria Nielsen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society WORLD CUP 2014: an intersection of intentionality and time
Marianne Josephine E Kongerslev Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication The Influence of (Perceived) Culturel Differences on Intercultural Student-Student Interaction
Sarah Casey Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Learning to be Danish: The Impact of State-Sponsered Integration Programs in Denmark
Silje Lyngar Einarsen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Gudinnen som Shakti i tekst og ritual
Sophie Hooge Seebach Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society 'Behind the Facade': The intimate dynamics of the conflict in Karamoja, Uganda
Søren Friis Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Between Security and Values: 21st Century Development-Security Nexi in the Nordic Countries
Anne Myrup Munk Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Litteraturens tværmediale betydningsdannelser
Jesper Svenningsen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication At samle på kunst i Danmark. Private kunstsamlere og -samlinger 1720-1914
Johan Christian Nord Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Mellem Schopenhauer og Kristus. Johannes Jørgensens synkretisme
Jonas Ross Kjærgård Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Menneskerettighedernes kulturhistorie 1748-1815
Lasse-Emil Paulsen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Fortidens stemmer: borgerkrig, diktatur, erindring i Antonio Muñoz Molinas forfatterskab
Lise Dilling-Hansen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Gaga-feminisme - en undersøgelse af Lady Gagas køns- og kropsperformances, og af fansenes imitationspraksisser og bidrag til dannelsen af nye køns- og kropsdiskurser
Magdalena Ty?lik-Carver Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Curating and Social Technologies: New Models of Online Curatorial Practice for the Commons
Niels Christian Hansen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Musical expectation mechanisms and statistical learning
Rasmus Kjærboe Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication At indsamle det moderne
Simona Zetterberg Gjerlevsen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Fiktionalitet i de første danske romaner
Tina Louise Sørensen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Udkant eller kant. Det seneste tiårs litterære beskrivelser af dansk udkant analyseret som glokal dissensus
Anders Øgaard Didactics Dept. of Education Presence at distance?
Claus Holm Didactics Dept. of Education  
Lars Højgaard Andersen Didactics Dept. of Education Essays on causal effects of structural and societal issues on crime
Lars Poort Didactics Dept. of Education Science education in the Greenlandic Public School
Peter Fallesen Didactics Dept. of Education Unwanted exit-strategie. Essays on the relationship between formal and informal socaial institutions and individual behavior.
Astrid Elkjær Sørensen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Dansk feminisme og kønsdebat 1985-2010 i sammenligning med Sverige og Norge
Kristine Dyrmann (tidl. Vestergaard Nielsen) History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Mellem magtens mænd, menneskerettigheder og musikere – de politiske implikationer i Charlotte Schimmelmanns kulturelle salon 1784-1816
Mads Thagård Runge History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Dannelsen af regionale bebyggelsesmønstre i sen bronzealder og ældre jernalder
Michael Kræmmer History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Højmiddelalderens jordmål og betalingsmål
Signe Krag History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society The Palmyran funerary portrait sculpture.
Jonas Kroustrup ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication ”It-projektledelse som decentrale koordinationsprocesser. ANT studier af teori og praksis i et felt i forandring
Julia Machado De Carvalho ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication A Camera at Hans and an Idea in Mind The continuity of avant-garde cinema across generations and continents
Maja Sonne Damkjær ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Medialisering af forældreskabet - Forældreskabelse med digitale medier
Mikkel Bech-Hansen ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Taktilitet og Haptisk Feedback i Design af Kontrolgrænseflader til Elektronisk Musikproduktion
Morten Due Toustrup ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Media in the New Libya: An Investigation of the Role of Media in the Formation of Libyan Identities
Ana Kanareva Dimitrovska Language, Linguistics and Cognition Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication The impact of information and communication technologies in the intercultural approach in French foreign language class: A Danish experience with online intercultural exchange.
Astrid Grud Rasmussen Language, Linguistics and Cognition Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Fremmedsprogsdidaktik og Fremmedsprogstilegnelse
Natalia Morollón Martí Language, Linguistics and Cognition Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Virtual Worlds and Pragmatic Competence in Second Language Acquisition
Rasmus Høll Nielsen Language, Linguistics and Cognition Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Kan musik være levende? Indekser på animerethed i perceptionen af lyd og musik
Ann-Therese Arstorp Learning and Education Dept. of Education Teknologiforståelse i læreruddannelsen
Christina Haandbæk Schmidt Learning and Education Dept. of Education Originalitet og professionsidentitet
Gertrud Lynge Esbensen Learning and Education Dept. of Education Teknologiforståelse: Sundhedsteknologi som forandringsagent
Helle Harnisch Learning and Education Dept. of Education Once we were warriors: Resources, Demobilization and Community Resilience among Former Child Soldiers
Mads Middelboe Rehder Learning and Education Dept. of Education Skilsmissesøskendeskaber - forbundethed, netværk og medierede interaktioner
Maria-Christina Secher Schmidt Learning and Education Dept. of Education Klasseledelse i matematik – Hvordan kan en inkluderende læringskultur støttes gennem (fag)didaktiske valg?
Mette Molbæk Learning and Education Dept. of Education Classroom management and pupil participation
Mia Glendøs Learning and Education Dept. of Education MIndre vold via lokalforankret psykosocial mobilitet
Peter Skov Olsen Learning and Education Dept. of Education Classroom composition, inclusion, exclusion and learning outcomes: Learning from peers
Rikke Brown Learning and Education Dept. of Education Lyst til læring i forskellige organiseringer af Udskolingen
Rune Müller Kristensen Learning and Education Dept. of Education Lærereffekten i klasseledelse
Simon Skov Fougt Learning and Education Dept. of Education Lærerkompetenceudvikling i relation til digitalisering og it-fagdidaktisk praksis i danskfaget i udskolingen
Asger Bo Skjerning Steffensen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Tænkelighed og modal erkendelse
Else-Marie Buch Leander Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Fear of Paedophilia and Modern Parenthood
Eva Krause Jørgensen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Det absolutte bureaukrati
Line Suhr Marschner Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Hellighed og sanselighed i det 20. århundredes kirkearkitektur
Line Søgaard Christensen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society "Technology of the Intellect"
Pia Lauritzen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Hinsides teori og praksis. Vilkår for filosofi og ledelse
Thomas Palmelund Johansen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society ’Nyttig viden’ og det nye arbejdsideal - et studie af overgangen til det tidligt industrielle samfund, i England 1823-1851
Ulla Skjødt Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Autonomiens udtryk i relationen mellem den ældre og hjemmesygeplejersken i en moderniseret kommunal sundhedsforvaltning