Aarhus University Seal

Learning and Education

The programme

  • The program in learning and education is concerned with more or less institutionalized processes of learning in a wide variety of formal and informal educational settings as well the wider contexts - organizational, political, economic, social, cultural, philosophical and historical - in which these are embedded. The program covers a multidimensional research area, ranging from educational research to interdisciplinary approaches (such as sociological, historical, anthropological, psychological, and philosophical perspectives) to learning and education. Projects under the program are mostly, though not exclusively, empirically based, and must be grounded in more fundamental theoretical and/or theoretical questioning and methodological reflexivity. The program also includes projects with an intervention-oriented approach. Ranging from politics of education, school management and internationalisation to processes of becoming among pre-schoolers and special education, epistemological and philosophical approaches to education and learning, history of education, and studies of migration, intercultural diversity and minority education, this program covers a range of themes and perspectives on learning and education, within and beyond Denmark.
  • The program offers a selection of courses and seminars and works in close collaboration with the national doctoral training network in education. 

Research facilities available

Examples of employment after graduation

  • Many graduates will pursue university research careers within the fields related to their PhD projects. Others find employment in the public educational sector, other public institutions, NGO’s or in the private sector. The program also enables graduates to respond to professional responsibilities that include, evaluation, administration, policy work and research design related to different aspects of education.

International cooperation

  • Through collaboration with a number of international partners, the program also facilitates summer schools and PhD student mobility. See a list of mobility options here and a list of Erasmus agreements here. Please note that the lists will be regularly updated. For queries with regard to current opportunities, please contact Eva Lise Eriksen, e-mail: eli@dpu.dk

Geographic location

  • PhD students are enrolled at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, at either Campus Emdrup or Campus Aarhus.

Approx. number of PhD students

  • 40-50