Aarhus University Seal

Language, Linguistics, Communication, and Cognition

The programme

  • The PhD programme includes a wide range of topics related to Language, Linguistics, Communication and Cognition and their overlap. 
  • The programme includes studies of first and second language acquisition, language pedagogy, language documentation and description, language culture, evolution and philology. It includes language-related aspects of psychology, physiology and society.
  • The programme covers a wide range of linguistic research areas such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics, as well as neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and conversational analysis. It fosters a fruitful collaboration between functional and formal linguistic traditions.
  • The programme covers computational analyses of text and speech corpora (natural language processing), discourse analysis, enunciation, rhetoric and semiotics, translation and translation studies, interpreting, business communication and health communication.
  • It covers cognitive science broadly, including perception, action and interaction, memory, decision making, and computational modelling of mental states and behavior.

Research facilities available

  • The PhD programme has access to a number of research facilities, e.g. a soundproof recording booth for phonetic and phonological studies, a comprehensive research library, online electronic corpora of spoken and written languages, computers and software for psycholinguistic studies, and also EEG equipment and access to neuroimaging facilities (MR and MEG).

The PhD programme Language, Linguistics, Communication and Cognition primarily includes researchers, teachers and doctoral students from the following parts of School of Communication and Culture

Furthermore, some researchers, teachers and doctoral students in the PhD-programme are from the School of Culture and Society.

Examples of employment after graduation

  • Graduates of the programme have gone on to be employed in secondary education, in teacher training, at various universities, in local government, and in private enterprise.

Geographic location

  • The programme is located in Aarhus at the School of Communication and Culture (Nobel Park).

National cooperation

The programme cooperates closely with the following PhD Programmes:

Approx. number of PhD students

  • 15-20


PhD programme director

PhD programme administrator

For applicants

Please refrain from contacting more than one person regarding your PhD application.

We do not have the resources to read your project description/application before you apply.

  • Academic questions (PhD degree programme): PhD programme director
  • Technical questions (application form*): PhD administration
    * Only questions not answered in the application guide.