Aarhus University Seal

History, Archeology and Classical Studies

The programme

  • The programme has its basis in the disciplines of Prehistoric, Medieval and Renaissance Archaeology, Classical Studies (Classical Archaeology and Classical Philology), and History. It thereby spans the study of the human past in its entirety, albeit with various methodological approaches. The programme has a strong commitment to interdisciplinarity. Overall theoretical and empirical approaches to the study of social, cultural and political diversity and dynamics are central to the program with material and visual culture in close collaboration with several museums playing a key role.  
  • The programme comprises the following research priorities: Material Culture and Identity; Material Culture and Cognition; Cultural Mobility; the European Bronze Age; Technology, Settlement and Landscape in Prehistory and Early History; Art and Social Identity in the Late Antiquity; Cultural and Religious Innovation in Antiquity; the Viking Age – in Denmark and Elsewhere; Buildings, Housing and Medieval Society; Town and Rural Areas throughout History; Legal Culture in Early Modern Denmark; Political Culture in 19th and 20th Century; Contemporary History; Development Aid and Transnational History. Researchers active within the programme offer world-leading expertise in the study of Scandinavia as a cultural and historical region, including its relation to the outside world both regionally as well as globally.  

Affiliated centers/departments

Geographic location

  • The Nobel Park (History and Classical Studies) and Museum of Prehistory, Moesgaard (Archeology).

National cooperation

  • The programme collaborates with a number of local and national research centres, for instance the Danish Centre for Urban History, the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, the Centre for Economic and Business History, the Centre for the Study of Antiquity, the Centre for Viking Age and Medieval Studies, and the European Commission’s FP7 Initial Training Network Forging Identities.

Approx. number of PhD students

  • 35-45

PhD programme director

PhD programme administrator

For applicants

Please refrain from contacting more than one person regarding your PhD application.

We do not have the resources to read your project description/application before you apply.

  • Academic questions (PhD degree programme): PhD programme director
  • Technical questions (application form*): PhD administration
    * Only questions not answered in the application guide.