Aarhus University Seal

PhD courses and ECTS

How to obtain ECTS points?

  • PhD courses must be completed corresponding to approximately 30 ECTS points in total. The PhD courses taken must be relevant to the PhD student's research project, training, or prospective career. Please note that MA courses on the 4+4 scheme on part A are not included in the 30 PhD ECTS points.
  • The principal supervisor determines how many ECTS points the PhD student will be awarded for each course in which the student has participated.
  • The PhD course must be on a higher academic level than the Master's degree, unless there is special reason for giving dispensation from this principle
  • Normally, 1 ECTS point is considered equivalent to 25 hours of work, including preparation time, etc.
  • To a limited extent, ECTS points may be awarded for participation in academic conferences if the outcome is considered equivalent to the outcome from participating in a PhD course. A maximum of 10 of the 30 ECTS points required may be earned in this way.
  • Participation in PhD workshops, master classes, or the like specifically aimed at PhD students, including occasions where these events are organised in connection with conferences, are awarded ECTS points as for participation in PhD courses.

PhD courses planning

  • Plan for participation in PhD courses must be completed corresponding to approximately 30 ECTS points in total.
  • PhD courses taken must be relevant to the PhD student's research project, training or prospective career.
  • Participation in PhD courses must be planned in cooperation with the principal supervisor.
  • The principal supervisor determines how many ECTS points the PhD student will be awarded for each course in which the student has participated.

ECTS credits

  • Normally, 1 ECTS point is considered equivalent to 25 hours of work, including preparation time etc.
  • The principal supervisor decides the level of the course and the number of ECTS points for each course.
  • Often, the call does state the number of appointed ECTS points (workload), and a course cerficate stating ECTS points will be issued after the course.

ECTS credits cannot be earned after the enrollment period ends

  • You cannot earn ECTS credits after your enrollment period has ended.
  • Your plan will be closed, and access to MyPhD will be removed once the enrollment period has ended

Can I use my travel grant for conferences, courses and seminars?

Yes, it is possible.

  • Short stays (max. five days): Conferences, courses and seminars which have been approved in the PhD plan.
  • Expenses must observe the rules. Reasonable, documented expenses for meals (max. 5 days), but no more than those specified in the current rules for public servants covering transport expenses and unemployment benefit.
  • Expenses must comply with the following rules: https://medarbejdere.au.dk/en/administration/finance/travel-booking-and-settlement 
  • Expenses must be entered in the RejsUd system in the form of expense settlements

Mandatory courses for PhD students enrolled at Graduate School, Arts

PhD courses in supervision and in university teaching are mandatory and must be completed early in the PhD degree programme to prepare PhD students to undertake their work obligations, including work for their departments.

Exemptions may be given from the courses if the student has previously acquired equivalent qualifications. Please contact your PhD administrator. 

Introduction to PhD supervision for PhD students at Arts

  • For further information please see this page.
  • If you have any questions regarding this course please contact Bente Jønshøj at the Centre for Educational Development.

Introduction to university teaching for PhD students

  • For further information please see this page.
  • If you have any questions regarding this course please contact Bente Jønshøj at the Centre for Educational Development

Research Integrity and Ethics

The PhD course in research integrity and ethics is offered twice a year as a faculty-based course, where we strive to address ethics across the faculty's various disciplinary areas. Please be aware that registration for the courses operates on a first-come, first-served basis and we can therefore not guarantee that you will receive a place on your desired course. And please also be aware that once your application has been accepted your enrolment is binding, and that you are expected to take part in the full course (both days). 

  • Information about the course incl. course description, overview of teachers and registration deadlines will be sent directly to all enrolled PhD students at Graduate School, Arts via email. This time the email was sent in December. PhD students enrolled after this date please contact the PhD Administration (phd.kurser.arts@au.dk) if you have not received the email.
  • You can also find the curses in the database PhD Course Management.
  • Questions regarding applications, enrollment, course certificates: PhD Administration (phd.kurser.arts@au.dk)
  • Questions regarding the content of the course: Jette Kofoed, jeko@edu.au.dk

The 2025 schedule is:

  • Course 1:  27 February & 1 April 2025 (Danish)
    Venue: Campus Aarhus
    Deadline for applications: 20 January 2025

  • Course 2: 8 October 2025 & 10 November 2025 (English)
    Venue: Campus Aarhus
    Deadline for applications: 1 September 2025

Danish PhD course association (Det åbne kursusmarked)

PhD students at Aarhus University can participate in PhD courses offered at member institutions of The Danish PhD association free of change. Charges may occur depending on the length of the course and to cover costs for catering.

Please note that Copenhagen Business School are not part of the national agreement.

For further information, please refer to the agreement between members of the Danish PhD association (in Danish)

How to apply for a PhD course

PhD courses offered by Graduate School, Arts

For PhD courses offered by Graduate School, Arts you need to apply through PhD Course Management. When you have found at suitable course you press the button ´sign in to register´.

Please note

  • All questions related to registration, deadline, seats, waiting list etc. must be pointed to the PhD Course administrator: Andreas Mølgaard Laursen – amla@au.dk
  • After applying for a PhD course offered by Graduate School, Arts you will be automatically placed on a waiting list. After the course deadline you will be notified if you got a seat on the course

PhD courses offered by other Danish Universities and institution

Please follow the individual institutions practice.