Aarhus University Seal

Awarded PhD degrees, 2016

Full name Program Account Dissertation title
Sophie Hooge Seebach  Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion IKS - Department of Anthropology The Dead are not Dead: Intimate Governance of Transitions in Acholi
Christiane Falck  Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion IKS - Department of Anthropology Calling the Dead – Spirits, Mobile Phones, and the Talk of God in a Sepik Community (Papua New Guinea)
Mai Corlin Bagger-Petersen  Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion IKS - Department of Global Studies Trojan Horses in the Chinese Countryside. The Bishan Commune and the Practice of Socially Engaged Art in Rural China
Nicholas Alexander Marshall  Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion IKS - Department of the Study of Religion The Meaning of Theurgy: A Minimalistic Approach to "Theurgy" and Previous Understandings of the Term in the Study of Late Antique Religion
Kaamya Sharma  Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion IKS - Department of the Study of Religion Dress, Gender and Nation: Late Colonial, Nationalist and Contemporary Narratives of the Sari and Womanhood in Urban South India
Johanne Louise Christiansen  Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion IKS - Department of the Study of Religion "My Lord, deliver me from the people of the evildoers (rabbi najjinī mina l-qawmi l-ẓālimīna)" (Q28:21): The root ẓ-l-m and the semantic field of oppression in the Qur'ān
Theis Vallø Madsen  Art, Literature and Cultural Studies IKK - School of Communication and Culture Ants in the Archive. Cataloguing Mogens Otto Nielsen's Mail Art Archive
Niels Christian Hansen  Art, Literature and Cultural Studies IKK - Department of Dramaturgy and Musicology Predictive coding of musical expertise
Rasmus Kjærboe  Art, Literature and Cultural Studies IKK - Department of Art History, Aesthetics & Culture and Museology Collecting the modern: Ordrupgaard and the collection museums of modernist art
Jesper Svenningsen  Art, Literature and Cultural Studies IKK - Department of Art History, Aesthetics & Culture and Museology Samlingssteder. Udenlandsk kunst i danske samlermiljøer 1690-1840
Ane Martine Kjær Lønneker  Art, Literature and Cultural Studies IKK - Department of Art History, Aesthetics & Culture and Museology Det elegiske. Ideer om sensibilitet set fra en genre
Lasse-Emil Paulsen  Art, Literature and Cultural Studies IKK - Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Semiotics Erindring og Identitet i Antonio Muñoz Molinas forfatterskab
Johanne Helbo Bøndergaard  Art, Literature and Cultural Studies IKK - Department of Comparative Literature and Rhetoric Forensic literature – memory narratives after testimony
Elisabeth Skou Pedersen  Art, Literature and Cultural Studies IKK - Department of Comparative Literature and Rhetoric A Partial View. Metonymy, Scale, and Representation in Literary Geograåhy
Magdalena Tyżlik-Carver  Art, Literature and Cultural Studies IKK - Department of Media and Journalism Studies CURATING IN/AS COMMON/S. posthuman curating and computational cultures
Lisbeth Heidemann Torfing  Art, Literature and Cultural Studies IKK - Department of Scandinavian Studies and Experience Economy Genstandsnavne, genstandsliv. En biografisk undersøgelse af navngivne genstande i norrøn kultur
Rikke Eline Wendt  Didactics DPU - Danish School of Education Systematiske reviews og kvalitativ forskning: Inddragelse af kvalitativ forskning i systematiske reviews på uddannelsesområdet
Simon Skov Fougt  Didactics DPU - Danish School of Education Lærerens scenariekompetence:Et mixed methods-studie af lærerkompetenceudvikling i spændet mellem scenariedidaktik, faglighed og it
Anders Øgaard  Didactics DPU - Department of Educational Sociology Fjernundervisning i skolen i Grønland
Lars Demant-Poort  Didactics DPU - Department of Educational Sociology Naturfagsdidaktik i den grønlandske folkeskole – et multipelt casestudie om natur, undervisning og sprog
Anders Vestergaard Thomsen  Didactics DPU - Department of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies Eksterne samarbejdspartnere i naturfagsundervisningen: Skole-virksomhedssamarbejde – elevers læringsudbytter i naturfag ved samarbejde med virksomheder og mødet med autentisk praksis udenfor skolen
Kristine Kabel  Didactics DPU - Department of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies Danskfagets litteraturundervisning: Et casestudie af elevers skriftsproglige måder at skabe stillingtagen på i udskolingen
Lone Krogsgaard Svarstad  Didactics DPU - Department of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies Teaching Interculturality.Developing and Engaging in Pluralistic Discourses in English Language Teaching.
Micki Sonne Kaa Sunesen  Didactics DPU - Department of Education Studies Læreres og pædagogers oplevede læringsudbytte af et pædagogisk kompetenceudviklingsforløb - med inklusion som eksempel
Kristian Buhl Thomsen  History, Archaeology and Classical Studies IKS - School of Culture and Society Da de danske byer blev revet ned – Praksis og ideologi i dansk sanerings- og byfornyelsespolitik 1939-1983
Signe Krag  History, Archaeology and Classical Studies IKS - School of Culture and Society Representations of Palmyrene Women in Funerary Sculpture from the First Century BC to the Third Century AD
Rosanna Farbøl  History, Archaeology and Classical Studies IKS - School of Culture and Society Koldkrigere, medløbere og røde lejesvende: Den Kolde Krig i dansk historiekultur 1989-2015
Marie Andreasen  History, Archaeology and Classical Studies IKK - Department of German and Romance Languages Seeds of Understanding, Paths of Reconciliation. Remembering the Anni di Piombo in Italy
Nina Helt Nielsen  History, Archaeology and Classical Studies IKS - Department of Archaeology Formation of Celtic fields. A geoarchaeological and relative-chronological study of selected Danish field systems from the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age
Eva Mortensen  History, Archaeology and Classical Studies IKS - Department of Archaeology Narratives and memories in the cityscape. Encountering heroes in cities of south-western Asia Minor at the onset of Roman rule
Silvia Giulia Pirola  History, Archaeology and Classical Studies IKS - Department of Global Studies Making sense of Europe: Compagni, Amici and the first elections to the European Parliament
Astrid Elkjær Sørensen  History, Archaeology and Classical Studies IKS - Department of History and Classical Studies "Vi har fundet os i alt for meget!" - De kvindedominerede fagforeningers og deres medlemmers ligestillingsprojekt 1985-2010
Jonas Langeland Pedersen  History, Archaeology and Classical Studies IKS - Department of History and Classical Studies Constructive Defiance? Denmark and the Effects of European Law
Michael Nobel Jakobsen  History, Archaeology and Classical Studies IKS - Department of History and Classical Studies "Mett hals, handt och ald andenn herlighedt och rettighedt" Retslig interaktion mellem adel og bønder i Hvetbo herred i 1630erne
Nicolai Brodersen Hansen  ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism IKK - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies Materials in Participatory Design Processes
Lotte Groth Jensen  ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism IKK - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies Patient records and clinical overview - The creation of clinical overview among physicians in daily clinical practice
Rasmus Høll Nielsen  Language, Linguistics and Cognition IKK - School of Communication and Culture The sound of life - Auditory cues to animacy
Camilla Søballe Horslund  Language, Linguistics and Cognition IKK - Department of English Second Language Performance in Different Linguistic Domains: An Experimental Approach to the Conrad Phenomenon
Mette Molbæk  Learning and Education DPU - Danish School of Education Inkluderende klasse- og læringsledelse
Rasmus Leth Jørnø  Learning and Education DPU - Danish School of Education The Format of Things - A philosophical enquiry into matters of importance for the conceptualization of future Computer Interfaces
Unni Knutstad  Learning and Education DPU - Danish School of Education Sykepleierstudenters konstruksjoner av sykepleie. En analyse av kunnskapsgrunnlaget i norsk sykepleierutdanning
Martin Johannes Bech Hansen  Learning and Education DPU - Danish School of Education Creating Collaboration: Human Hubs and go-betweeners in Sino-foreign University collaboration. An ethnographic and organisational perspective.
Tine Wirenfelt Jensen  Learning and Education Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media Bjerget og sumpen - En undersøgelse af det danske universitetsspeciales betydninger med afsæt i humaniora
Mads Middelboe Rehder  Learning and Education DPU - Department of Educational Anthropology Søskendenærvær - Et fænomenologisk inspireret studie af unge adskilte søskendes hverdag med afsæt i teknologier, materialiteter og kropslige erfaringer
Ann Katrine Bønnelykke Soffer  Learning and Education DPU - Department of Educational Anthropology Caring for Plastic: An Ethnography of Simulation-based Training in Nursing Education
Jeanette Wassar Kirk  Learning and Education DPU - Department of Educational Anthropology Flow kultur og flow-stoppere - Præmisser for implementering af screeninger og retningslinjer i sundhedsvæsenet
Mette Marie Ledertoug  Learning and Education DPU - Department of Educational Philosophy and General Education Styrkebaseret læring - – Børns karakterstyrker som veje til læringspotentialet
Frank Juul Agerholm  Learning and Education DPU - Department of Education Studies Diætetikkens væsen og uvæsen - en filosofisk kritik
Stine Kaplan Jørgensen  Learning and Education DPU - Department of Education Studies Mobning og interventioner - Positioneringsteoretiske analyser af gruppesamtaler med børn
Eva Krause Jørgensen  Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy IKS - Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas Breaking the Chains - An Intellectual History of the Discursive Struggles over the Danish Agrarian Reforms 1784-1797
Nicolai Von Eggers Mariegaard  Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy IKS - Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas Popular Sovereignty: Republicanism, and the Political Logic of the Struggles of the French Revolution
Martin Ejsing Christensen  Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy IKS - Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas Democracy and Inquiry: John Dewey's Pragmatic Philosophy in Light of Contemporary Pragmatist Criticism
Ulla Skjødt  Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy IKS - Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas Ældreliv i plejeboliger - et studie af ældres autonomi- og livssituation i den politiske tilrettelæggelse af plejeboligens rammer
Mathias Hein Jessen  Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy IKS - Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas Sovereign bodies. Constitution and construction of State, subject and corporation
Rasmus Dyring  Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy IKS - Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas Freedom, Responsiveness and the Place of the Ethical
Line Søgaard Christensen  Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy IKS - Department of the Study of Religion Instructing the Israelites: Axiality, Teaching, and Rituals in the Hebrew Bible
Jens Nørgaard Linderoth  Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy IKS - Department of Theology The knowing and the knower in Martin Heidegger 1918 - 1921 - Investigations into the dynamics of an explicative self between philosophy, theology and science
Anne Louise Nielsen  Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy IKS - Department of Theology "Den gående" - om subjektivitet og tilblivelsens teologi hos Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
Tenna Mose Schøler Rhiger  Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy IKS - Department of Theology Liturgiens åndedræt. Et liturgisk animationsteaterlaboratorium med fokus på udviklingen af en liturgisk teologisk og performativ tilgang til gudstjenestefejringen