Aarhus University Seal

Awarded PhD degrees, 2015

Full name Program Account Dissertation title
Bjarne Wernicke Olesen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion School of Culture and Society Śāktismen - et bidrag til den religionsvidenskabelige og indologiske modellering af en indisk tradition - Mapping a Tradition: Conceptual Modeling in the study of Hindu 'Śāktism' from the Perspective of the Study of Religion and Classical Indology
Claire Elisabeth Dungey Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion School of Culture and Society Shades of Friendship. Schooling and Morality among Ugandan youth
Janne Maria Solgaard Jensen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion School of Culture and Society Making Cosmopolitans: Europe between the Local, the National, and the Global in Young Danes' Everyday Worldviews
Jaana Carolina Sanchez Boe Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion School of Culture and Society The Undeported / Les Non-Expulsés - Foreign-Nationals Caught Between Criminal Justice and Immigration Enforcement in France and the US
Kathrin Houmøller Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion School of Culture and Society Ambiguous Intimacy: Aids medicine and the everyday in Khayelitsha, South Africa
Laura Møller Dombernowsky Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion School of Culture and Society Becoming Professional: Competing Values and Standards of Chinese Journalism
Søren Sindberg Jensen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion School of Culture and Society Shaping communal identities in the early ʿAbbāsid world – New perspectives on the Arabic apologetic writings of Theodore Abū Qurra and Ḥabīb ibn Ḫidma Abū Rāʾiṭa at-Takrītī
Anne Sophie Haahr Refskou Art, Literature and Cultural Studies School of Communication and Culture Touching Experiences: Compassion and Early Modern English Drama
Jakob Schweppenhäuser Bech-Hansen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies School of Communication and Culture Mere Lyd! - ny dansk lydlig lyrik
Jonas Ross Kjærgård Art, Literature and Cultural Studies School of Communication and Culture The Happiness of All. Balancing Money and Morals in French Revolutionary Human Rights Discourse
Lise Dilling-Hansen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies School of Communication and Culture My Artpop could mean anything - an investigation of the gender and body performances of Lady Gaga and of the negotiation practices and affective responses of the Gaga fans
Miriam Vestergaard Kobbersmed Art, Literature and Cultural Studies School of Communication and Culture Mod en litterær oversættelseskritik
Niels Trusbak Haumann Art, Literature and Cultural Studies School of Communication and Culture Brain Adaptation to Music of Different Cultures: Musicological and Neuropsychological Studies on Music Enculturation
Peter Ole Pedersen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies School of Communication and Culture A Pixelated Reality - Documentary Net-Distribution, Popular Culture and the Avant-Garde
Bettina Buch Didactics Danish School of Education Tekster og genrer på erhvervsuddannelserne - med særligt henblik på overgangen fra grundskole til erhvervsuddannelse
Hanne Balsby Thingholm Didactics Danish School of Education Didaktiske læremidler som kobling mellem teori og praksis i læreruddannelsen
Jan Jaap Rothuizen Didactics Danish School of Education På sporet af pædagogisk faglighed: Pædagoguddannelsens deltagelse i det pædagogiske projekt
Lea Lund Larsen Didactics Danish School of Education Lærerens verden: Almendidaktiske refleksioner over klasserumserfaringer
Line Møller Daugaard Didactics Danish School of Education Sproglig praksis i og omkring modersmålsundervisning: En lingvistisk etnografisk undersøgelse
Merete Cornet Sørensen Didactics Danish School of Education Drama, æstetisk læring og udvikling af dramatisk legekompetence i børnehaven
Nanna Jordt Jørgensen Didactics Danish School of Education From Herders to Hustlers - Young people's engagements with sand, sustainability and education in Northern Kenya
Randi Margrethe Eidsaa Didactics Danish School of Education Hvem skaper musikken? En studie av musikalsk skapende partnerskapsprosjekter i skolen ut fra et estetisk og didaktisk perspektiv
Mette Løvschal History, Archaeology and Classical Studies School of Culture and Society Lines in the landscape, boundries of the mind - The emergence of landscape and settlement boundaries in north-western Europe in the first millennium BC
Michael Kræmmer History, Archaeology and Classical Studies School of Culture and Society Højmiddelalderens jordmål og betalingsmål
Morten Larsen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies School of Culture and Society Klosterkultur mellem ideal og realitet. Arkæologiske studier af Danmarks middelalderlige tiggerklostre
Peter Moe Astrup History, Archaeology and Classical Studies School of Culture and Society Sea-level Changes in Mesolithic Southern Scandinavia: Long- and Short-term Effects on Society and the Environment
Sine Grove Saxkjær History, Archaeology and Classical Studies School of Culture and Society Markers of Ethnicity in the Archaeological Record - The Emergence of Indigenous Ethnic and Cultural Identities in Southern Italy (8th - 6th centuries BC)
Andrew Prior ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism School of Communication and Culture Mediality is Noise - The onto-epistemology of noise, media archeology and post-digital aesthetics
Ask Risom Bøge ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism School of Communication and Culture Overvågningens DNA. En aktør-netværk-teoretisk undersøgelse af DNA i dansk politiarbejde
Ditte Amund Basballe ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism School of Communication and Culture The Site as a Resource in Interaction Design
Janne Nielsen ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism School of Communication and Culture DR's undervisning på tværs af medier: En historisk undersøgelse af mediesamspil
Kasper Hedegård Schiølin ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism School of Communication and Culture Teknologipessimisme. Træk af slægtskabet mellem den klassiske teknologifilosofi og den pessimistiske viljesmetafysik: Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Jünger og Heidegger
Morten Bonde Ubbesen ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism School of Communication and Culture Infrastrukturel Accountability - Et ANT-studie af udarbejdelsen, rapporteringen og kontrollen af Danmarks drivhusgasregnskab
Ana Kanareva Dimitrovska Language, Linguistics and Cognition School of Communication and Culture La compétence de communication interculturelle à travers les échanges interculturels en ligne - Le cas d'étudiants danois et de locuteurs natif du français
Andreas Højlund Nielsen Language, Linguistics and Cognition School of Communication and Culture "TA-DA!" Investigating phonological categories in brain and behavior - using EEG and MEG
Kathrine Thisted Petersen Language, Linguistics and Cognition School of Communication and Culture Udviklingen af inkorporation fra gammeldansk til moderne dansk - fra umarkerede kasusformer til markeret artikelløshed og enhedstryk
Anne Katrine Kamstrup Learning and Education Danish School of Education Teori og praksis som fænomener - en empirisk analyse af hvordan teori og praksis bliver til på lærer- og diplomingeniøruddannelsen
Ann-Therese Arstorp Learning and Education Danish School of Education Teknologi på læreruddannelsen - en forestillet eller en realiseret praksis? En virksomhedsteoretisk analyse af objekter, motiver og rettetheder på samfunds, institutions- og undervisningsniveau
Gertrud Lynge Esbensen Learning and Education Danish School of Education At lære teknologiforståelse gennem handlerækkefølger - en pædagogisk-antropologisk kulturanalyse af sygeplejerskestuderendes læreprocesser med teknologi i krydsgående figured worlds
Gitte Kaarina Jørgensen Learning and Education Danish School of Education Ingen andre har forstået os, har forstået, hvor vigtige vi er. En undersøgelse af sundhedsplejerskers faglige selvforståelser
Helle Plauborg Learning and Education Danish School of Education Intra-aktivitet af didaktik, faglighed og socialitet og udvikling af en tænkning om læring og didaktik - analyser af tre eksperimentelle casestudier
Katja Brøgger Jensen Learning and Education Danish School of Education The Faceless Masters of Higher Education. Governing Through Standards: the Bologna Process and the New Realities of Higher Education
Kirsten Margrethe Andersen Learning and Education Danish School of Education Sekularisering og religion: En studie i fortællingens nøglerolle i folkeskolens religionsundervisning
Laila Colding Lagermann Learning and Education Danish School of Education Unge i – eller ude af? – skolen. Marginaliseringsprocesser og overskridende forandringsbevægelser blandt udskolingselever med etnisk minoritetsbaggrund
Lisbeth Hybholt Learning and Education Danish School of Education Patientuddannelse i hverdagsliv
Maria-Christina Secher Schmidt Learning and Education Danish School of Education Inklusionsbestræbelser i matematikundervisningen: En empirisk undersøgelse af matematiklæreres klasseledelse og elevers deltagelsesstrategier i folkeskolen
Sofie Ørsted Sauzet Learning and Education Danish School of Education Versioner – diffraktive analyser af tværprofessionalismens tilblivelse som fænomen i Professionshøjskolen
Anna Julie Rasmussen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy School of Culture and Society Nanoethics. An Interdisciplinary Study
Asger Bo Skjerning Steffensen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy School of Culture and Society Conceivability and the Epistemology of Modality
Maria Louise Munkholt Christensen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy School of Culture and Society Christian Prayer and Identity Formation. A Study of Four Ante-Nicene Treatises on Prayer
Marie Louise Kaufmann Jensen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy School of Culture and Society Religionens æstetik - En artikulering af åbenheden i tro og religion
Sara Kier Praëm Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy School of Culture and Society Topics in the debates over Intuitions and Thought Experiments