Aarhus University Seal

Awarded PhD degrees, 2013

Name Program Department Dissertation title
Christian Suhr Nielsen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Descending with Angels: The Invisible in Danish Psychiatry and Islamic Exorcism
Ina Katrine Frøkjær Baunvig Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Forsamlingen først. N.F.S. Grundtvigs og Émile Durkheims syn på fællesskab
Jeanett Bjønness Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society At vælge det nødvendige - prostitution, stofbrug og kampen for anerkendele blandt marginaliserede danske kvinder
Kim Lee Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Tid til pleje - En antropologisk analyse af arbejdet som social og sundhedshjælper
Mette-Louise Eskildsen Johansen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society In the Borderland: Palestinian Parents navigating Danish Welfare State Interventions
Rachel Charlotte Smith Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Designing Digital Cultural Futures: Design Anthropological Sites of Transformation
Regine Grytnes Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Tryghed i nuet - Arbejdssikkerhed blandt tømrerlærlinge i Danmark
Sidsel Vive Jensen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society It has nothing to do with religion. Governance of Muslim practices in Danish public schools
Søren Feldtfos Thomsen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Heresy and Historiography. A comparative analysis of E.D. Colberg’s Das Platonisch=Hermetische Christenthum and Gottfried Arnold’s Unpartheyische Kirchen= und Ketzer=Historie.
Andreas Hjort Møller Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Der lebensphilosophische Frühromantiker. Zur Rekonstruktion der frühromantischen Ethik Friedrich Schlegels.
Kjersti Hustvedt Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Kontingente iakttakelser. Birdrag til en konstruktivistisk dramapedagogikk
Lars Christiansen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Stengæsten og Lucifer. Friedrich Nietzsche, Georg Brandes og arven fra oplysningen
Lasse Gammelgaard Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Digtets fortælling: Lyriske og Narrative linjer i poesien
Louise Brix Jacobsen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Fiktiobiografisme. Fiktionalisering som performativ strategi i dansk film og tv fra 2005 og frem
Mathias Bonde Korsgaard Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Music Video Today: Audiovisual Remediation in Postmillennial Music Video
Mette-Marie Zacher Sørensen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Digital poesi. Æstetisk analyse og det mediales rolle i kunstværkers kommunikation
Nina Gram Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Når musikken virker - en undersøgelse af lydens mobilisering og mediering i det urbane rum
Pernille Leth-Espensen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Art, Heumeneutics, and Technoscience
Susan Yi Sencindiver Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication The Fissured Female Missing in the Mirror: Sexual Difference, Motherhood, and the Double in Literature and Theory
Thomas Bøgevald Bjørnsten Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Værkets støj, værkets stilhed. Mediale passager i lydens, litteraturens og billedets æstetik
Anders Skriver Jensen Didactics Dept. of Education Didaktik on postmodernism's doorstep: A critical approach to teaching and researching literacy in early childhood education and care
Arnt Louw Vestergaard Didactics Dept. of Education Indgang og adgang på erhvervsuddannelserne – Analyse af tømrerelevernes muligheder og udfordringer i mødet med faget, lærerne og de pædagogiske praksisser på grundforløbet
Finn Holst Christensen Didactics Dept. of Education Professionel Musiklærerpraksis. Professionsviden og lærerkompetence med særligt henblik på musikundervisning i grundskole og musikskole samt læreruddannelse hertil.
Helle Rørbech Didactics Dept. of Education Mellem tekster: En undersøgelse af litteratur, kultur og identitet i danskfaget
Helle Schnor Didactics Dept. of Education Håndtering af kronisk sygdom i et hverdagslivs- og sundhedspædagoisk perspektiv
Kamilla Pernille Johansen Nørtoft Didactics Dept. of Education ”Did you imagine that old people could be like this? A kaleidoscope of ageing, health and processes of identity in an urban Danish context”
Kristian Bernt Karlson Didactics Dept. of Education Unequal expectations: Subjective beliefs, academic performance and inequality of educational opportunity
Lars Emmerik Damgaard Knudsen Didactics Dept. of Education Teori og praksis i læreruddannelsen - - kundskabsformer, kultur og kropslighed
Lone Lindegaard Nordin Didactics Dept. of Education Fra politik til praksis. Implementering af kommunale sundhedsfremmeprojekter med fokus på kost og fysisk aktivitet fra et lærerperspektiv.
Ole Henrik Hansen Didactics Dept. of Education Stemmer i Fællesskabet
Roger Kjærgård Didactics Dept. of Education Karriereveiledningens genealogi: Den suverene stats regulering av det frie utdannings- och yrkesvalg
Søren Smedegaard Ernst Bengtsen Didactics Dept. of Education Didaktik og idiosynkrasi: En undersøgelse af vejledningssamtalen på universitetet
Anders Gade Jensen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Landet i tekst. Stedet som samlingspunkt for historie, erindring og geografi i landnámabók - traditionen i Island 1100-1300.
Jens Wendel-Hansen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society De jordbundne - Danmarks godsejere og det konstitutionelle monarki i 1835-1919
Kasper Grotle Rasmussen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society The Men Behind the Man: McGeorge Bundy, the NSC Staff, and the Making of American Foreign Policy, 1961-1963
Mads Thagård Runge History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Dannelsen af regionale bebyggelsesmønstre i sen bronzealder og ældre jernalder
Rasmus Rosenørn History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society SWING - Unge og pop
Claus Toft-Nielsen ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Gamingpraksis: en vidvinkeloptik på computerspil, køn, genre og hverdagsliv.
Jacob Thorsen ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Mediating Transitions. Local Radio and the Negotiations of Citizenship in Rural Nepal
Line Hassall Thomsen ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication New Struggles, Old Ideals. The everyday struggle towards being a 'Good Journalist' inside public service TV newsrooms in the UK and Denmark. 2013
Morten Suder Riis ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Machine Music. A media archaeological excavation
Rikke Toft Nørgård ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Gameplay corporeality -the corporeal-locomotive dimension in gameplay activity and experience
Stinne Gunder Strøm Krogager ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Når piger og drenge bruger medier og mad. En metodeeksperimenterende mediebrugsanalyse i 4. og 9. klasse
Tobias Ebsen ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Material Screen - Intersections of media, art, and architecture
Katrine Planque Tafteberg Language, Linguistics and Cognition Dept. of Culture and Society Le décalage pronominal danois - dans une approche contrastive et typologique
Anna-Vera Meidell Sigsgaard Learning and Education Dept. of Education Who knows what? – the teaching of knowledge and knowers in a fifth grade Danish as a second language classroom
Benjamin Brink Jeune-Allsopp Learning and Education Dept. of Education Introducing Arc Form. Designing a satisfactory highly non-linear alternative to texts for general-purpose idea development.
Bjørn Fritjof Hamre Learning and Education Dept. of Education Potentialet og optimering i skolen - Problemforståelser og forskelssætninger af elever - en nutidshistorisk analyse"
Grete Brorholt Learning and Education Dept. of Education Fit for work - Attraktiv sundhed og sikkerhed på en hospitalsafdeling i Region Hovedstaden
Helen Laustsen Learning and Education Dept. of Education en mixed methods undersøgelse af specialundervisningens effekter på individniveau baseret på lærervurderinger
Jens Hansen Lund Learning and Education Dept. of Education Ny styringsformer i folkeskolen – en videnssociologisk og fænomenologisk baseret undersøgelse af læreres meningsdannelse af elevplanen i et suborganisatorisk perspektiv
Kasper Porsgaard Nielsen Learning and Education Dept. of Education What captivates the subject? An investigation of the concepts “object” and “identification” in the works of Jacques Lacan with a view to establishing a model for analyzing relations of power and structures of authority.
Lise Tingleff Nielsen Learning and Education Dept. of Education Teamsamarbejdets dynamiske stabilitet. En kulturhistorisk analyse af læreres læring i team
Nina Hein Learning and Education Dept. of Education Forældrepositioner i elevmobning
Susanne Murning Learning and Education Dept. of Education Social differentiering og mobilitet i gymnasiet - kulturel praksis, sociale positioner og mulighed for inklusion
Andreas Østerlund Nielsen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Missional Transformation. A Constructive Discussion Applying the Theologies of the Mission as Transformation Movement and Stanley Hauerwas.
Bjørn Rabjerg Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Tro og forståelse
Bo Bergholt Grymer Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Tro og ontologi. Et luthersk grundproblem. En undersøgelse af forholdet mellem tro og ontologi i luthersk teologi på baggrund af Oswald Bayer og K.E. Løgstrup
Christian Bøgh Normann Gade Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Ubuntu and Restortative Justice: Addressing the Strife and Divisions of the Past in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Jakob Bek-Thomsen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Nicolaus Steno and the Making of An Early Modern Career. Nature, konwledge, and networks at the court of the Medici c. 1650-1675
Morten Ziethen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society At tænke sig om. Heidegger og den tyske idealisme genbesøgt