Aarhus University Seal

Awarded PhD degrees, 2012

Name Program Department Dissertation title
Anders Sybrandt Hansen Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Expecting Cynicism in Beijing. Ideology and moral life under market socialism
Birgitte Folmann Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Motherhood, Moralities & HIV. Making lives in Northern Uganda. - Moderskab.Moraliteter & HIV. At skabe liv i det nordlige Uganda
Claske Vos Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Showing the way forward for Serbia's past. et studie af programmet for den regionale kulturarv i Serbien som et redskab for "europærisering".
Else-Marie D Elmholdt Jegindø Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Pain and Coping in the Religious Mind
Jesper Østergaard Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society The topographic Mind: Connecting cognition to landscape in the study of religion - with empirical illustrations from Maratika, a pilgrimage site in Nepal
Kristoffer Laigaard Nielbo Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society Spontaneous and hierarchical segmentation of non-functional events
Mette Gislev Kjærsgaard Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion Dept. of Culture and Society I krydsfeltet mellem det aktuelle og det potentielle. Om designantropologiens udfordringer.
Alexandre Planque Tafteberg Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Réécritures contemporaines du mythe de Phèdre et Hippolyte
Christina Holst Færch Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Utrykkelighed og enevælde. Politisk satire og erotisk digtning i 1700-tallet med særligt henblik på Hans Nordrups forfatterskab
Kasper Green Krejberg Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Krigens poetiske potentialer. Jünger, Sebald og kampen og kroppen i moderne
Lise Majgaard Mortensen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Towards a Revival of Representation: Ekphrasis in the Contemporary Novel at the End of Postmodernism.
Lise Skytte Jakobsen Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Metaskulptur: Kritiske analyser af skulpturmediale grundlagsproblemstillinger.
Anders Kruse Ljungdalh Didactics Dept. of Education An investigation of contemporary lifestyle norms through type 2 diabetes self-care practices and techniques of life
Frederikke Johanne Winther Didactics Dept. of Education Den retoriske situation - et rum for retorisk tilstedeværelse og tilblivelse. Analyse af retorisk praksis set i et situationelt perspektiv.
Jonas Greve Lysgaard Didactics Dept. of Education The Educational Desires of Danish and South Korean Environmental NGOs
Katrine Dahl Madsen Didactics Dept. of Education Globale ideer om bæredygtig udvikling & Lokale møder om didaktisk praksis
Niels Ejbye-Ernst Didactics Dept. of Education Hvilken forskel gør naturbørnehaver?
Ole Henckel Didactics Dept. of Education Universitetsuddannelsernes kommercialisering: - Komparative studier af tre universiteters udbud af transnationale uddannelser
Pia Cort Didactics Dept. of Education Taking the Copenhagen process apart: Critica readings of European Vocational education and training policy
Dorte Kook Lyngholm History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Den patrimoniale ret. Godsejeren som juridisk myndighed og privat aktør i 1700-tallets danske retsvæsen.
Helle Ingrid Møller Sigh History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Lige i Guds billede. Kanonisk ret og reformatoriske ideologiers indflydelse på danske juristers diskurser om ægteskab, samliv og seksualitet fra 1200-1600
Mikael Frausing History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Oplevelsernes herregård. Kommericiel kulturarv på danske herregårde.
Niels Haue History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Jernalderens samfund i Nordjylland - belyst med udgangspunkt i byhøjen Nr. Tranders, Aalborg
Niels Nørkjær Johannsen History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Turning Wheels in Changing Minds - Elements for an archaeology of techno-cenceptual dynamics
Poul Baltzer Heide History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Kommunikation, bebyggelser og samfund - sociale dimensioner i norrøne samfund i Nordatlanten i vikingetid og tidlig middelalder (ca. 800-1200)
Sarah Emilie Eugenie Croix History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Dept. of Culture and Society Work and Space in Rural Settlement in Viking-Age Scandinavia - gender perspectives
Jacob Ngomba Teke ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Politiske kampagner i Afrika syd for Sahara: erfaringer fra Cameroun i et globalt perspektiv
Stine Lomborg ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Sociale medier. Et genreperspektiv.
Tatiana Bazzichelli ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Netværkede forstyrrelser. en gentænkning af modsætninger i kunst, hacktivisme og "the business of social networking"
Gabriela Alina Sauciuc Language, Linguistics and Cognition Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Følelser i sindet - en flersproget undersøgelse af følelsesmæssige kategorier og følelsesmæssige begreber.
Joes Mathias Forrest Clasen Language, Linguistics and Cognition Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Monsters and Horror Stories: a Biocultural Approach
Zsolt Varga Language, Linguistics and Cognition Dept. of Aesthetics and Communication Sprogtab og sprogbevarelse hos ungarske immigranter i Danmark
Anna Kathrine Frørup Learning and Education Dept. of Education Vidensformer og dokumentationspraksis i socialpædagoisk arbejde - en analyse af, hvordan dokumentation og socialpædagogisk praksis italesættes i henhold til arbejdet med anbragte børn og unge på døgninstitution
Karen Ida Dannesboe Learning and Education Dept. of Education Passende engagement og (u)bekremme skoleliv. Et studie af børns navigationer mellem skole og familie.
Nana Clemensen Learning and Education Dept. of Education Children in ambiguous realms : Language, socialisation and schoolling among children in a rural Zambian community
Birgitte Carla Nielsen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Om forholdet mellem metafysik og socialteori: En religionsfilosofisk undersøgelse af Jürgen Habermas’ sprogfilosofi I lyset af Martin Heideggers og K.E. Løgstrups tænkning.
Brian Benjamin Hansen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Mundens lyst - spisning og nydelse fra et lacaniansk perspektiv
Jakob Egeris Thorsen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Karismatisk praksis og katolsk sogneliv. Et kvalitativt og teologisk studie af den begyndende pentekostalisering af kirken i Guatemala
Jon Utoft Nielsen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Subjektivitet og andethed i filosofisk hermeneutik.
Marco Nørskov Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Problegomena til social robotik. Filosofiske undersøgelser af perspektiver vedrørende menneske-maskine interaktion.
Maria Louise Odgaard Møller Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Det sande menneske. Jesus-billedet i Løgstrups tænkning.
Marie Hedegaard Thomsen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Et åbent hus med mange indgange - empiriske studier i folkekirkeligt menighedsliv med valg, fri- og sognemenigheder som eksempler
Matias Møl Dalsgaard Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Det protestantiske selv. Kravet om autenticitet i Kierkegaards tænkning
Patrick Joseph Cockburn Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Retorik på økonomisk legitimitetens grænser
Pia Lauritzen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Hinsides teori og praksis. Vilkår for filosofi og ledelse
Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society "En model for alle Stater" - Kina i europæiske debatter om fattigdom, meritokrati, absolutism og politisk økonomi i det 17. og 18. århundrede.
Stine Slot Grumsen Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Casting for Good Will. Profession, trade and identity in American dentistry, 2. 1910-1950
Tove Gam Gade Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Trinitarisk sjælesorg. En sjælesorg med et samspil mellem trinitetstriologi, psykologi og sprirtualitet
Ulla Bidstrup Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Dept. of Culture and Society Fordi der skal prædikes på lørdag: Kasualierne som orienteringsritualer belyst med udgangspunkt i nyere tysk kasualteori