Aarhus University Seal

Awarded PhD degrees, 2021

Full name Account Program Dissertation title
Laura Cordes Felby Centre for Educational Development Didactics Med ryggen til fremtiden: Konstruktionen af karriereperspektivet i gymnasiets læreplaner
Thomas Binderup DPU - Department of Education Studies Didactics Trivialiteter, forstyrrelser og indikatorer:Ledelse på en skolereforms ikkeplanlagte/performative effekter
Dorethe Bjergkilde DPU - Department of Education Studies Learning and Education Ledelse og organisering af fællesskabende forandringsprocesser i folkeskolen: Læsninger af tilblivelser, tærskler og fravær i skolen
Kira Saabye Christensen DPU - Department of Educational Anthropology Learning and Education Vanskelige forbindelser. En institutionel etnografi om børns bevægelser fra børnehave til skole.
Mette Marie Vad Karsten DPU - Department of Educational Anthropology Learning and Education Dislocating Promises. How Digitization Organizes and How Organizations Digitize in Fire Safety
Chung Kim DPU - Department of Educational Philosophy and General Education Didactics Læreren som moralsk aktør og undervisningens etik: En interdisciplinær undersøgelse
Henrik Kasch DPU - Department of Educational Philosophy and General Education Didactics Cross-pollinating Universal Design for Learning and Computer-assisted Language Learning: A Case Study
Martin Kjær Hornsgaard DPU - Department of Educational Philosophy and General Education Didactics Nytteværdi som motivator i naturfag - et studie af utility value interventioners effekt på moti­vation og faglige præstationer i 8. klasses fysik/kemi
Lærke Testmann DPU - Department of Educational Psychology Learning and Education Konflikter og fællesskaber blandt børn i skolen – perspektiver på inklusion som kontinuerlig udfordring
Anne Suhr DPU - Department of Educational Psychology Learning and Education Sorggrupper i de danske skoler: En socialpsykologisk undersøgelse af grundlæggende antagelser bag etablering af sorggrupper for børn i danske skoler
Pernelle Rose Hansen DPU - Department of Educational Psychology Learning and Education Samtalegrupper for børn med skilte forældre: Social repræsentations teoretiske analyser af samtalegrupper på danske skoler
Anne Krøger DPU - Department of Educational Sociology Didactics Samarbejde i skolen - en empirisk undersøgelse af, hvordan samarbejde tematiseres i kommunikationen i et kommunalt dansk skolesystem med fokus på, om og hvordan samarbejde bidrager til kobling mellem professionelles praksis og elevers læring
Ronni Laursen DPU - Department of Educational Sociology Didactics A Sociological Investigation of Governance through a Mandatory Learning Management System and Practice in Primary and Lower Secondary Schools
Emil Smith DPU - Department of Educational Sociology Learning and Education The Role of Schools and Classrooms in Shaping Inequality in Educational Outcomes
Casper Thrane DPU - Department of Educational Sociology Learning and Education Smag som didaktisk element i stx-gymnasiets faglige samspil - Et effektfuldhedsstudie af dansk- og kemiklassers faglige samspil om, med og for smag
Dorthe Carlsen DPU - Department of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies Didactics Danskdidaktiske forståelsesmåder
Marianne Oksbjerg DPU - Department of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies Didactics Undervisning med litteraturlæremidler på mellemtrinnet
Ingi Heinesen Højsted DPU - Department of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies Didactics Toward marvels in dynamic geometry teaching and learning: Developing guidelines for the design of didactic sequences that exploit potentials of dynamic geometry to foster students’ development of mathematical reasoning competency
Christiane Særkjær IKK - Department of Art History, Aesthetics & Culture and Museology Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Eksperiment, dialog, kunst – en eksperimentel undersøgelse af ny museumsformidling
Johanne Løgstrup IKK - Department of Art History, Aesthetics & Culture and Museology Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Kuratoriske forhandlinger om kunstmuseets rolle under kontemporaneitetens vilkår - udfoldet i en udstilling om billedkunstner Sonja Ferlov Mancoba
Sally Schlosser Schmidt IKK - Department of Art History, Aesthetics & Culture and Museology History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Politik og pensler - Guldalderkunstnere og politik i dansk billedkunst fra 1830’erne til 1860’erne
Jakob Gaardbo Nielsen IKK - Department of Comparative Literature and Rhetoric Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Imagining the corporate person: Joint-stock enterprise in Victorian and Edwardian literature
David Hasberg Zirak-Schmidt IKK - Department of Comparative Literature and Rhetoric Art, Literature and Cultural Studies The Life of Kingdoms: Staging Royal Succession in Caroline Drama
Lea Grosen Jørgensen IKK - Department of Comparative Literature and Rhetoric Art, Literature and Cultural Studies Skjalde og skjaldskab. En komparativ analyse af den norrøne skjald hos Adam Oehlenschläger og N. F. S. Grundtvig
Søren Rasmussen IKK - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism The Signaletic Anarchive: New Perspectives on Representation, Temporality, and Knowledge Mobilisation in Interaction Design
Jeanette Falk Olesen IKK - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism How Game Jams and Hackathons Accelerate Design Processes
Gabriel Pereira IKK - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Struggling with Algorithmic Seeing: Hegemonic Computer Vision and Antagonistic Practices
Susanne Holm IKK - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Patientcentreret radiografi – mellem menneske og teknologi
Kristoffer Friis Bøegh IKK - Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Semiotics Language, Linguistics, Communication, and Cognition Crucian Creole - A sociohistorical and linguistic analysis of the English-lexifier contact language of St. Croix, Virgin Islands
Jeroen Willemsen IKK - Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Semiotics Language, Linguistics, Communication, and Cognition A Grammar of Reta
Ane Kathrine Lolholm Gammelby IKK - Department of Media and Journalism Studies ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Why people sometimes consult Facebook rather than their doctors. Devils in the detail, method to the madness
Troels Gregersen Østergaard IKK - Department of Media and Journalism Studies ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism Popular music journalism in the digital age. A cross-national content analysis of popular music journalism in Danish and German news media
Maria Nielsen IKS - Department of Anthropology Anthropology, Global Studies and the Study of Religion Suspended in time: An ethnography of the temporal nature of infrastructure
Mikel Johannes Hubertus Venhovens IKS - Department of Anthropology Anthropology, Global Studies and the Study of Religion De Facto-ness: Anxious Borderlands, Uncertainty and De Facto-ness in the Contemporary Republic of Abkhazia
Ulrik Høj Johnsen IKS - Department of Anthropology Anthropology, Global Studies and the Study of Religion Following Tara – Unveiling the values of ethnographic museum artefacts
Thomas Gemmerli Mikkelsen IKS - Department of Anthropology Anthropology, Global Studies and the Study of Religion Tales from the pondscape - Living among the ruins of large-scale aquaculture in Tarakan, Indonesia
Jasmin Ii Sabai Günther IKS - Department of Anthropology Anthropology, Global Studies and the Study of Religion The Movement of Things: Tracing Eighteenth-Century Polynesian Artefacts from HMS Pandora
Harmandeep Kaur Gill IKS - Department of Anthropology Anthropology, Global Studies and the Study of Religion Things Fall Apart: Coming to Terms with Old Age, Solitude, and Death Among Elderly Tibetans in Exile
Andrea Zuppi IKS - Department of Anthropology Anthropology, Global Studies and the Study of Religion Shamanism and change among the Kulina (Arawá) (Peruvian Amazon): an ethnography
Charlotte Ettrup Christiansen IKS - Department of Anthropology Anthropology, Global Studies and the Study of Religion Literary free spaces: Vulnerability, shared reading and selfhood in Denmark
Mathias Paul Bjørnevad Jensen IKS - Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies History, Archaeology and Classical Studies A biographical analysis of Mesolithic hoarding in southern Scandinavia
Rowan Jackson IKS - Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies History, Archaeology and Classical Studies A Natural Experimental Approach to Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation in Historic Greenland
Anastasia Brozou IKS - Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Leprosy in Medieval Denmark: An enigmatic disease under investigation
Luisa Radohs IKS - Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Urban Elite Culture. A Survey and Methodological Study of Aristocracy and Civic Elites in Trading Towns of the Southwestern Baltic (12th-14th c.).
Johan Sandvang Larsen IKS - Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies History, Archaeology and Classical Studies The Ghosts of Archaeologies Past: Innovations, developments, and movements of excavation practices in Danish towns
Nikoline Sauer IKS - Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies History, Archaeology and Classical Studies An Archaeological Approach to ArchaicRome (6th–Early 5th Century BC): A Case Study of an Archaic Site in the Caesar’s Forum Area
Prakruti Ramesh IKS - Department of Global Studies Anthropology, Global Studies and the Study of Religion Making a Public Aesthetic: Heritage, Humour and Regional Identity in Goa
Jakob Brink Rasmussen IKS - Department of Global Studies Anthropology, Global Studies and the Study of Religion “After all there was a war and there is no such thing as the perfect solution.” Danish members of IFOR/SFOR and the subnational implementation of positive peace in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1995-2003
Kristine Dyrmann IKS - Department of History and Classical Studies History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Salondiplomati og politisk selskabelighed - Kvinderne i reformkredsen som politiske aktører 1784–1797
Simon Rastén IKS - Department of History and Classical Studies History, Archaeology and Classical Studies ‘Te Cleanest Town in India’ Danish Colonialism and Urban Governance in Serampore, c. 1800-1845
Frederik Lynge Vognsen IKS - Department of History and Classical Studies History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Borttagelse som praksis i senmiddelalderens Danmark, 1400-1536
Christian Ringskou IKS - Department of History and Classical Studies History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Købstaden og den nye by. Ringkøbing og Skjern i afhængige og uaf-hængige variabler 1880-1921
Thomas Guntzelnick Poulsen IKS - Department of History and Classical Studies History, Archaeology and Classical Studies Mønt og magt - Danmarks monetarisering 1074-1741
Tobias Dias IKS - Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Morphology of the Revolution: Elementarism, Artistic Research, and the International Constructivists, 1918-1939
Niels Wilde Langballe IKS - Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Isotopography. Kierkegaard’s Topological Realism
Jakob Due Lorentzen IKS - Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy The Art of Dwelling
Oliver Quick IKS - Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Sympathizing and Empathizing With the Robotic Other
Anne Agersnap IKS - Department of the Study of Religion Anthropology, Global Studies and the Study of Religion Collective Testimonies to Christianity and Time – A collection and large-scale text study of 11,955 Danish sermons from 2011-2016
Lars Viftrup IKS - Department of Theology Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Den urbane kirke. En teologisk undersøgelse af byen som ramme for kirkelig-kommunal samskabelse
Søren Carsten Light Lorenzen IKS - Department of Theology Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy Spoken into Being: Names, Name, and the Constitution of the Self in the Hebrew Bible